*** WooCommerce Print Invoices/Packing Lists Changelog *** 2017.11.15 - version 3.3.5 * Fix - Pick lists could show incorrect item weight if items are present in more than one order * Fix - Refunded totals were incorrectly rounded to nearest integer on invoices * Fix - Improve plugin performance by reducing excessive queries introduced by WooCommerce 3.0+ in admin order edit screens * Dev - The filter `wc_pip_sort_order_items` has been deprecated in favor of `wc_pip_sort_order_item_rows` 2017.09.26 - version 3.3.4 * Fix - Address a capability issue within the order edit screen, where admin users who can manage WooCommerce but don't have the `edit_shop_orders` capability cannot use properly the Print Invoice/Packing List action * Fix - When printing a Pick list and "Groups items by category for selected orders" is selected, the items sort order could be incorrect 2017.08.30 - version 3.3.3 * Fix - Address a display issue with some attributes whose values might have been shown as dashed slugs rather than text in the item details * Fix - Templates have been updated to address an issue with MS Outlook clients where the table footer was in reversed order * Fix - When using "Groups items by category for selected orders" in Pick Lists, if there are similar product variations, the pick list would combine variations into attributes rather than breaking them out in different rows * Fix - Ensure configured subject for email is used instead of defaults 2017.06.28 - version 3.3.2 * Misc - Added support for WooCommerce 3.1 2017.05.30 - version 3.3.1 * Fix - Invoices could be missing line items due to a change in v3.3.0 * Fix - Ensure correct item quantities are calculated on Pick List documents ordered by category if orders contain refunds * Fix - Ensure refunded quantity is shown correctly on invoices when using WooCommerce 3.0+ * Fix - Variations will inherit product weight in packing lists with WooCommerce 3.0+ 2017.05.23 - version 3.3.0 * Feature - Added a new template for Pick Lists to group items by category for selected orders instead of by order * Fix - Ensure invoice emails are triggered for orders processed with gateways that use "on hold" status 2017.05.02 - version 3.2.2 * Fix - Ensure invoice & packing list dates use the site timezone 2017.04.26 - version 3.2.1 * Fix - Packing lists containing variable products may have not displayed the right category when grouping products in the document table 2017.03.28 - version 3.2.0 * Localization - Added Dutch translation provided by Lucas Johnston (me@lucasjohnston.nl) - https://lucasjohnston.nl * Localization - Updated Italian translation files * Fix - Do not show the total shipping costs in the invoice header, to avoid value duplication and possible mismatch with the same information in the order table footer, when some tax configuration is used * Fix - Ensure styles & scripts are loaded where needed when "WooCommerce" string is translated * Fix - Hardened bulk printing methods for hosting environments that implement object cache overrides without transients support * Fix - Refunded totals could be incorrect on invoices or packing lists * Misc - Added support for WooCommerce 3.0 * Misc - Removed support for WooCommerce 2.4 * Misc - Removed support for WooCommerce Subscriptions versions older than 2.0.0 2016.12.20 - version 3.1.7 * Fix - When product names have been filtered to contain HTML elements, strip all HTML tags before displaying the names on a document * Misc - Added filter to help some third party plugins like Product Bundles to avoid grouping some products into categories in packing lists or prevent altering their sort order 2016.11.16 - version 3.1.6 * Tweak - Ensure customer invoice emails are sent for renewal orders generated by Subscriptions * Fix - Fix errors when generating invoices and packing lists for orders with deleted products 2016.09.29 - version 3.1.5 * Tweak - Include support for popular plugins using VAT numbers * Tweak - Printed PDFs no longer include clickable View Order links * Fix - Fix issues with bulk printing in older versions of Internet Explorer 2016.08.02 - version 3.1.4 * Localization - Added Italian translation: ciao! * Fix - Custom product categories slugs might have caused wrong alphabetical sorting in Packing Lists 2016.07.12 - version 3.1.3 * Fix - The "View Invoice" button added on the order received page should be shown only to logged in customers * Misc - Make the order item sku in documents tables filterable 2016.06.22 - version 3.1.2 * Fix - Allow product categories breadcrumb in Packing List to link categories deeper than last 2 levels * Misc - Toggle the display of purchase notes for order items via filter hook 2016.06.07 - version 3.1.1 * Tweak - Trigger emails also for orders manually sent to complete and make order status change actions triggers filterable * Tweak - Improved alphabetical sorting of category groups in packing lists * Fix - Fix a possible concurrency issue where two or more orders placed exactly at the same time could have resulted having the same invoice numbers * Fix - Make sure the 'wc_pip_customers_can_view_invoices' filter always works * Misc - Make the "View Invoice" button in front end order summary filterable * Misc - Grouping by category in packing lists can now be disabled via filter * Misc - Improved compatibility with Product Bundles * Misc - Ensure that the PHP DOM extension is installed as it's required by the plugin 2016.06.02 - version 3.1.0 * Misc - Added support for WooCommerce 2.6 * Misc - Removed support for WooCommerce 2.3 2016.05.18 - version 3.0.9 * Fix - Do not display the View Invoice button to guest customers upon reviewing order after checkout * Misc - Make the order item meta data under product names in document tables directly filterable 2016.05.04 - version 3.0.8 * Misc - Added the wc_pip_order_item_name filter for document product titles 2016.04.22 - version 3.0.7 * Fix - Fix span of table footer for order totals in documents 2016.04.21 - version 3.0.6 * Fix - Update framework to avoid a PHP error in installations running old PHP versions 2016.04.20 - version 3.0.5 * Tweak - Added settings options to enable display of terms and conditions (or return policy) and footer information also on Packing Lists * Tweak - It is now possible to disallow customers to view invoices from front end via filter hook * Tweak - Allow filtering user roles besides Admin or Shop Manager to handle documents in admin * Fix - Prompt for log in if a user is logged out and attempts to print an invoice from front end * Fix - WooCommerce Subscriptions: do not display document order actions in a subscription edit screen dropdown * Misc - Improved compatibility with plugins that erroneously force the admin bar to appear in print windows * Misc - Added new filters to edit the documents headings * Misc - Added filter to tweak order items sorting in document tables 2016.03.30 - version 3.0.4 * Fix - Send email order actions will not work when save or update order button is pressed * Fix - Fix a PHP warning on the settings page * Fix - Product Categories breadcrumbs in Packing Lists could have shown an error in some labels * Fix - You can now override templates in your theme :) 2016.03.23 - version 3.0.3 * Localization - Added Japanese translation provided by Shohei Tanaka (info@artws.info) * Tweak - The header, footer, and terms and conditions can now be shown on the packing and pick lists with less code :) * Fix - Customer users with low privileges were prevented to see their invoices from 'My Account' page * Misc - Added a filter to not generate automatically an invoice number for paid orders (emails must be disabled) 2016.03.18 - version 3.0.2 * Tweak - Sorting order for document line items can now be customized via a filter. You can sort by SKU, price, weight, etc. :) * Fix - Ensure the `wc_pip_shipping_method` filter only runs once * Fix - Improve appearance of customer addresses and shipping method columns in template * Fix - Fixes an error in sorting items in orders table in older versions of PHP < 5.4 2016.03.16 - version 3.0.1 * Fix - Solves "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent" error on some installations 2016.03.16 - version 3.0.0 * Feature - Use the WordPress customizer to tweak template appearance and content * Feature - Set colors and default font sizes and many new template settings * Feature - New bulk action to output a Shop Manager Pick List with items necessary to process many orders * Feature - Email packing lists to multiple recipients defined by admin or shop manager * Tweak - Moved settings in a tab among others in WooCommerce settings page * Tweak - Upload a larger logo but limit its width in the template to improve image quality on retina displays and deliver a finer print quality on paper * Tweak - Set optional invoice number minimum number of digits to add leading zeros to invoice number count * Tweak - Include invoice number in the invoice email subject * Tweak - Option to hide virtual items from Packing Lists * Misc - Complete rewrite to improve the plugin's stability, flexibility, and performance * Misc - New templates * Misc - Uses SkyVerge Plugin Framework * Misc - Many new filters and actions added to help you customize your invoices and packing lists 2016.02.09 - version 2.7.1 * Fix - Subtotal and product price display when taxes are displayed including tax * Tweak - Adjust the order totals display to better match order details frontend views 2016.01.14 - version 2.7.0 * Fix - Invoice prices could be incorrect when discounts are used and prices during cart and checkout setting include tax * Misc - Added support for WooCommerce 2.5 * Misc - Removed support for WooCommerce 2.2 2015.10.06 - version 2.6.1 * Misc - WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.0 Compatibility 2015.07.28 - version 2.6.0 * Misc - WooCommerce 2.4 Compatibility 2015.02.09 - version 2.5.0 * Misc - WooCommerce 2.3 Compatibility 2014.09.07 - version 2.4.4 * Misc - WooCommerce 2.2 Compatibility 2014.05.28 - version 2.4.3 * Fix - Compatibility with subscriptions: new invoice number generated for renewal orders 2014.04.25 - version 2.4.2 * Fix - Fix invalid HTML in body template, props Kirk 2014.03.15 - version 2.4.1 * Fix - Fix fatal error when printing invoices for orders that have multiple shipping addresses * Fix - Fix potential javascript error when uploading an invoice logo 2014.01.20 - version 2.4 * Fix - Tweaked priority of translation action * WooCommerce 2.1 Compatibility 2013.12.13 - version 2.3.2 * Fix - Incompatibility with certain plugins which caused the WordPress Admin bar to be displayed across the top of the Invoice/Packing Lists 2013.11.09 - version 2.3.1 * Fix - Gracefully handle order items for deleted products/variations * Fix - Gracefully handle product variation order items for orders added through the admin * Tweak - Individual tax items are shown on invoice instead of only showing the total tax. Tax all the things! * Tweak - The total weight for line items is now properly displayed * Localization - Improved localization capability/compatibility 2013.09.10 - version 2.3 * Changed action buttons to use icons * Added functionality to resend invoice manually 2013.05.23 - version 2.2.11 * Added support for Ship to Multiple Addresses plugin 2013.05.23 - version 2.2.10 * Fixed shipping not hidden when shipping is disabled 2013.05.23 - version 2.2.9 * Fixed order number repeat bug in bulk printing 2013.04.27 - version 2.2.8 * Added order fees to output 2013.03.03 - version 2.2.7 * Fixed problem in loading custom templates * Fixed two notice bugs 2013.02.16 - version 2.2.6 * Better layout/styling for product variations. * Added hooks for manual order completion from on-hold and failed statuses. * Added empty folder for translations. 2013.02.15 - version 2.2.5 * Removed unfinished weight calculation code that was in last release. 2013.02.08 - version 2.2.4 * Fix for extra blank page in IE. This time fix actually works :) 2013.01.21 - version 2.2.3 * Fix for extra blank page in IE 2013.01.09 - version 2.2.2 * Another small updater fix 2013.01.09 - version 2.2.1 * Fixed updater code 2013.01.08 - version 2.2 * Refactorings and general code improvements 2012.10.28 - version 2.1 * Media upload implementation uses WP 3.5 media handling. * Fixed plugin script loading only to needed admin pages. * Tested with WooCommerce 1.6.6 and WooCommerce 2.0. 2012.12.04 - version 2.0.1 * New updater 2012.10.20 - version 2.0 * Major rewrite of the template system to support bulk printing. 2012.09.16 - version 1.3.6 * Fix for issue with email background color with Gmail. 2012.08.30 - version 1.3.5 * Fixed order item meta 2012.07.11 - version 1.3.4 * Fixed unescaping fields 2012.06.25 - version 1.3.3 * Added support for shipment tracking extension * Change payment_method to payment_method_title 2012.06.07 - version 1.3.2 * Fix template directory check 2012.05.26 - version 1.3.1 * Fix invoice number display 2012.05.26 - version 1.3 * This version only works with WooCommerce 1.5.3 or newer * Support for WC_Order::get_order_number() 2012.04.22 - version 1.2 * Added customer order notes to the print * Implemented invoice emailing functionality * Added support for VAT number 2012.03.14 - version 1.1.2 * Added jQuery to script dependencies * Changed view permission to manage_woocommerce_orders 2012.03.14 - version 1.1.1 * Changed permission check to manage_woocommerce 2012.03.14 - version 1.1 * Added contiguous invoice numbering * Added invoice numbering reset functionality * Added prefix and suffix for invoice numbering * Added custom logo functionality * Added support for custom template * Fixed textdomain issues * Improved the built-in template 2012.03.08 - version 1.0.1 * Fixed issue where same order was showing up in print 2012.02.28 - version 1.0 * First release