=== Booster for WooCommerce === Contributors: algoritmika, anbinder, debugeris Tags: woocommerce, booster for woocommerce, woocommerce jetpack Requires at least: 4.4 Tested up to: 4.9 Stable tag: 3.7.0 License: GNU General Public License v3.0 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Supercharge your WordPress WooCommerce site with these awesome powerful features. == Description == Booster for WooCommerce is a WordPress WooCommerce plugin that supercharges your site with awesome powerful features. More than hundred modules. All in one plugin. Features are absolutely required for anyone using excellent WooCommerce platform. = Features = **Prices & Currencies** * *Bulk Price Converter* - Multiply all products prices by set value. * *Currencies* - Add all world currencies and cryptocurrencies to your store; change currency symbol. * *Currency Exchange Rates* - Automatic currency exchange rates for WooCommerce. * *Currency for External Products* - Set different currency for external products. * *Currency per Product* - Display prices for products in different currencies. * *Global Discount* - Add global discount to all products. * *Multicurrency (Currency Switcher)* - Add multiple currencies (currency switcher) to WooCommerce. * *Multicurrency Product Base Price* - Enter prices for products in different currencies. * *Offer Your Price* - Let your customers to suggest their price for products. * *Price Formats* - Set different price formats for different currencies. Set general price format options. * *Price based on User Role* - Display products prices by user roles. * *Prices and Currencies by Country* - Change product price and currency automatically by customer's country. * *Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price)* - Let your store customers enter price for the product manually. * *Product Price by Formula* - Set formula for automatic product price calculation. * *Wholesale Price* - Set wholesale pricing depending on product quantity in cart (buy more pay less). **Button & Price Labels** * *Add to Cart Button Labels* - Change text for Add to Cart button by product type, by product category or for individual products. * *Call for Price* - Create any custom price label for all products with empty price. * *Custom Price Labels* - Create any custom price label for any product. * *Free Price Labels* - Set free price labels. * *More Button Labels* - Set "Place order" button label. **Products** * *Add to Cart* - Set any local url to redirect to on Add to Cart. Automatically add to cart on product visit. Display radio buttons instead of drop box for variable products. Disable quantity input. Open external products on add to cart in new window. Replace Add to Cart button on archives with button from single product pages. Customize Add to Cart messages. * *Add to Cart Button Visibility* - Enable/disable Add to Cart button globally or on per product basis. * *Admin Products List* - Customize admin products list. * *Bookings* - Add bookings products to WooCommerce. * *Cost of Goods* - Save product purchase costs data for admin reports. * *Cross-sells* - Customize cross-sells products display. * *Crowdfunding* - Add crowdfunding products to WooCommerce. * *Product Addons* - Add (paid/free/discount) addons to products. * *Product Availability by Date* - Set product availability by date. * *Product Availability by Time* - Set product availability by time. * *Product Bulk Meta Editor* - Set products meta with bulk editor. * *Product Custom Visibility* - Display products by custom param. * *Product Images* - Customize products images and thumbnails. * *Product Info* - Add additional info to category and single product pages. * *Product Input Fields* - Add input fields to the products. * *Product Listings* - Change display options for shop and category pages: show/hide categories count, exclude categories, show/hide empty categories. * *Product MSRP* - Save and display product MSRP in WooCommerce. * *Product Tabs* - Add custom product tabs - globally or per product. Customize or completely remove WooCommerce default product tabs. * *Product Visibility by Country* - Display products by customer's country. * *Product Visibility by User Role* - Display products by customer's user role. * *Products XML Feeds* - Products XML feeds. * *Products per Page* - Add "products per page" selector to WooCommerce. * *Related Products* - Change displayed related products number, columns, order; relate by tag, category, product attribute or manually on per product basis. Hide related products completely. * *SKU* - Generate SKUs automatically. Search by SKU on frontend. * *Sale Flash* - Customize products sale flash. * *Sorting* - Add more sorting options; rename or remove default sorting options; rearrange sorting options on frontend. * *Stock* - Products stock display management. * *Tax Display* - Customize WooCommerce tax display. * *Upsells* - Customize upsells products display. * *User Products* - Let users add new products from frontend. **Cart & Checkout** * *Cart Custom Info* - Add custom info to the cart page. * *Cart Customization* - Customize WooCommerce cart - hide coupon field; item remove link; change empty cart "Return to shop" button text. * *Checkout Core Fields* - Customize core checkout fields. Disable/enable fields, set required, change labels and/or placeholders etc. * *Checkout Custom Fields* - Add custom fields to the checkout page. * *Checkout Custom Info* - Add custom info to the checkout page. * *Checkout Customization* - Customize WooCommerce checkout - restrict countries by customer's IP; hide "Order Again" button; disable selected fields on checkout for logged users and more. * *Checkout Fees* - Add fees to WooCommerce cart & checkout. * *Checkout Files Upload* - Let customers upload files on (or after) the checkout. * *Coupon Code Generator* - Coupon code generator. * *Coupon by User Role* - Coupons by user roles. * *EU VAT Number* - Collect and validate EU VAT numbers on the checkout. Automatically disable VAT for valid numbers. Add all EU countries VAT standard rates to WooCommerce. * *Empty Cart Button* - Add (and customize) "Empty Cart" button to the cart and checkout pages. * *Mini Cart Custom Info* - Add custom info to the mini cart widget. * *URL Coupons* - WooCommerce URL coupons. **Payment Gateways** * *Custom Gateways* - Add multiple custom payment gateways to WooCommerce. * *Gateways Currency Converter* - Currency converter for payment gateways. * *Gateways Fees and Discounts* - Enable extra fees or discounts for payment gateways. * *Gateways Icons* - Change or completely remove icons (images) for any (default or custom) payment gateway. * *Gateways Min/Max Amounts* - Add min/max amounts for payment gateways to show up. * *Gateways by Country, State or Postcode* - Set countries, states or postcodes to include/exclude for payment gateways to show up. * *Gateways by Currency* - Set allowed currencies for payment gateways to show up. * *Gateways by Shipping* - Set "enable for shipping methods" for payment gateways. * *Gateways by User Role* - Set user roles to include/exclude for payment gateways to show up. * *Gateways per Product or Category* - Show payment gateway only if there is selected product or product category in cart. **Shipping & Orders** * *Address Formats* - Set address format in orders on per country basis. Force base country display. * *Admin Orders List* - Customize admin orders list: add custom columns; add multiple status filtering. * *Custom Shipping* - Add multiple custom shipping methods to WooCommerce. * *Left to Free Shipping* - Display "left to free shipping" info. * *Maximum Products per User* - Limit number of items your (logged) customers can buy. * *Order Custom Statuses* - Custom statuses for WooCommerce orders. * *Order Min/Max Quantities* - Set min/max product quantities in WooCommerce order. * *Order Minimum Amount* - Minimum order amount (optionally by user role). * *Order Numbers* - Sequential order numbering, custom order number prefix, suffix and number width. * *Orders* - Orders auto-complete; admin order currency; admin order navigation; bulk regenerate download permissions for orders. * *Shipping Calculator* - Customize WooCommerce shipping calculator on cart page. * *Shipping Descriptions* - Add descriptions to shipping methods on frontend. * *Shipping Icons* - Add icons to shipping methods on frontend. * *Shipping Methods by Cities* - Set cities to include/exclude for shipping methods to show up. * *Shipping Methods by Min/Max Order Amount* - Set minimum and/or maximum order amount for shipping methods to show up. * *Shipping Methods by Products* - Set products, product categories, tags or shipping classes to include/exclude for shipping methods to show up. * *Shipping Methods by Users* - Set user roles, users or membership plans to include/exclude for shipping methods to show up. * *Shipping Options* - Hide shipping when free is available. Grant free shipping on per product basis. * *Shipping Time* - Add delivery time estimation to shipping methods. **PDF Invoicing & Packing Slips** * *PDF Invoicing* - Invoices, Proforma Invoices, Credit Notes and Packing Slips. **Emails & Misc.** * *Admin Bar* - WooCommerce admin bar. * *Admin Tools* - Booster for WooCommerce debug and log tools. * *Booster WPML* - Booster for WooCommerce basic WPML support. * *Breadcrumbs* - Customize WooCommerce breadcrumbs. * *Custom CSS* - Separate custom CSS for front and back end. Per product CSS. * *Custom Emails* - Add custom emails to WooCommerce. * *Custom JS* - Separate custom JS for front and back end. * *Email Options* - WooCommerce email options. E.g.: add another email recipient(s) to all WooCommerce emails. * *Email Verification* - Add WooCommerce email verification. * *Export* - WooCommerce export tools. * *General* - Custom roles tool. Shortcodes in WordPress text widgets. * *Modules By User Roles* - Enable/disable Booster for WooCommerce modules by user roles. * *My Account* - WooCommerce "My Account" page customization. * *Old Slugs* - Remove old products slugs. * *Reports* - Stock, sales, customers etc. reports. * *User Tracking* - Track your users in WooCommerce. = Feedback = * We are open to your suggestions and feedback - thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins! * If you have any ideas how to upgrade the plugin to make it better, or if you have ideas about the features that are missing from our plugin, please [fill the form](https://booster.io/submit-idea/). * For support visit the [contact page](https://booster.io/contact-us/). = More = * Visit the [Booster for WooCommerce plugin page](https://booster.io/). * [Compare free and Plus version](https://booster.io/booster-woocommerce-free-vs-plus/). * If you wish to contribute - please visit [Booster for WooCommerce GitHub repository](https://github.com/algoritmika/woocommerce-jetpack). == Installation == 1. Upload the entire `woocommerce-jetpack` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 3. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Booster. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How to unlock those some features settings that are locked? = To unlock all Booster for WooCommerce features, please install additional [Booster for WooCommerce Plus](https://booster.io/plus/) plugin. = What features are in free and what are in Plus version? = You can see the differences between versions in this [table](https://booster.io/booster-woocommerce-free-vs-plus/). == Screenshots == 1. Booster for WooCommerce - Prices & Currencies. 2. Booster for WooCommerce - Button & Price Labels. 3. Booster for WooCommerce - Products. 4. Booster for WooCommerce - Cart & Checkout. 5. Booster for WooCommerce - Payment Gateways. 6. Booster for WooCommerce - Shipping & Orders. 7. Booster for WooCommerce - PDF Invoicing & Packing Slips. 8. Booster for WooCommerce - Emails & Misc. == Changelog == = 3.7.0 - 22/06/2018 = * Feature - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Add to Cart Button Labels - Per Product Type - "Products on sale" options added. * Feature - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Fees - Initial module release. * Feature - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - Form Template Options - "Show images in field" options added. * Feature - CART & CHECKOUT - Empty Cart Button - "Button HTML Class" option added. * Feature - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Fees and Discounts - "Require Products" and "Exclude Products" options added. * Feature - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - "Per Product Options" settings section added. * Feature - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - Meta box - "Default" (i.e. empty) currency option added. * Feature - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - "Convert Product Prices in Admin Products List" option added. * Feature - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Offer Your Price - "Enable per product category" options added. * Feature - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Offer Your Price - "Styling Options" section added (and default header text color set to white). * Feature - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Offer Your Price - Position On Single Product Page - "Before add to cart form" and "After add to cart form" positions added. * Feature - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Per Product - "Per product options - backend user role visibility" option added. * Feature - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - "Product Categories to include" and "Product Categories to exclude" options added. * Feature - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Advanced: Apply Price Filter" option added. * Feature - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Position on Frontend" option added. * Feature - PRODUCTS - Product Info - Single Product Pages - Position - "Product meta start" and "Product meta end" positions added. * Feature - PRODUCTS - SKU - Categories Options - "Multiple Categories" options added. * Feature - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Admin Orders List - Multiple Status - "Add Presets to Admin Menu" options added. * Feature - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Min/Max Quantities - "Quantity Step Options" section added. * Feature - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Orders Auto-Complete - "Payment methods" option added. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart Custom Info - Cart Items Table Custom Info - If available, now setting up variation (instead of parent) product for the shortcodes. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - User file download - Fixed for order downloads. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Email Options - Product Info in Item Name - If available, now setting up variation (instead of parent) product for the shortcodes. * Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Email Options - Additionally checking for `WC_Order` class before adding email attachments. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - Currency symbol fixed in admin products list. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - `add_open_price_input_field_to_frontend()` - `is_open_price_input_field_displayed` class property added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Bookings - `add_input_fields_to_frontend()` - `are_bookings_input_fields_displayed` class property added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Price, labels and tooltips are trimmed now. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - `add_addons_to_frontend()` - `are_addons_displayed` class property added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - `add_product_input_fields_to_frontend()` - `are_product_input_fields_displayed` class property added. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Admin Orders List - Multiple Status - "Trash" order status added to the list. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Admin Orders List - Multiple Status - Multiple select list restyled as "chosen select" class input. Checkboxes size fixed. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Min/Max Quantities - Cart quantities fixed. * Fix - Functions - Products - `wcj_is_product_term()` - Checking for empty `$term_ids` param now. * Fix - Functions - Users - `wcj_is_user_role()` - Checking for `wp_get_current_user()` function to exist. * Fix - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_currency_select_radio_list]` and `[wcj_currency_select_drop_down_list]` - Setting session value, when `default` attribute is set. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` - "Non-numeric value encountered" warning fixed (warning appeared in PHP 7.1 for products with empty price). * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Fees and Discounts - Rounding Precision option default value changed. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - `wcj_currency_per_product_cart_checkout_currency` and `wcj_currency_per_product_is_cart_or_checkout` filters added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Add to Cart - Add to Cart Variable Product - Radio buttons template - Updated to the latest template version (WooCommerce v3.4.1). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Multicurrency Product Base Price" conversions added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Admin Settings - Minor restyling. * Dev - Code clean up. * Dev - Descriptions updated for the plugin and for the most modules. * Dev - Classes - `WCJ_Module` - `reset_settings()` - Array type options reset handling added. * Dev - Functions - Products - `wcj_maybe_get_product_id_wpml()` - Code refactoring (`wcj_get_wpml_default_language()` function added). = 3.6.1 - 04/06/2018 = * Fix - Functions - Products - `wcj_maybe_get_product_id_wpml()` - "Call to a member function get_default_language() on null ..." fatal error fixed. = 3.6.0 - 03/06/2018 = * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Admin settings - Description updated. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - `wcj_currency_exchange_rates_servers` and `wcj_currency_exchange_rate` filters added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - Safety checks added, so no division by zero could happen. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Meta box options - Minor code refactoring. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Multicurrency on per Product Basis - "Variable products: list available/active variations only" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price based on User Role - "Advanced: Price Changes" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price based on User Role - Admin Settings - "Copy price to all user roles", "Copy price to all variations" and "Copy to all user roles & variations" buttons added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price based on User Role - Module renamed (from "Price by User Role"). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price based on User Role - By Products Categories/Tags - Negative multiplier option added (and default multipliers set to `-1`). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price based on User Role - WPML support added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price based on User Role - `wcj_price_by_user_role_do_change_price` filter added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Price by country disabled for admin product edit page. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - WPML support added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Price by Formula - "Rounding" options added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - "Use total cart quantity instead of product quantity" option replaced with "Quantity calculation" ("Product quantity", "Total cart quantity (wholesale products only)", "Total cart quantity"). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Admin settings - Minor restyling and descriptions updated. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Per product - Algorithm re-written. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Cost of Goods - Admin Settings - Minor descriptions updates. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Cross-sells - Hide Cross-sells - Fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Cross-sells - "Cross-sells Position" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Cross-sells - "Global Cross-sells" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Shortcodes are now processed in labels, titles, placeholders and tooltips. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Availability by Date - Advanced Options - "Action" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Availability by Date - Per Product - "Direct Date Admin Input Date Format" option added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Custom Visibility - Modify Query - Pagination issue fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Custom Visibility - Admin Options - "Visibility Method", "Products List Column", "Quick Edit", "Bulk Edit" options added. Modify Query - "Widgets" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product MSRP - Initial module release. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - WPML support added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - Modify Query - Pagination issue fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - Admin Options - "Quick Edit", "Bulk Edit" options added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - Modify Query - Pagination issue fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - "Admin Options" section added ("Quick Edit", "Bulk Edit" and "Products List Column" options). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - Admin Options - "Visibility Method" option added. Modify Query - "Widgets" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - Code refactoring. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Products XML Feeds - "Sort Products by", "Sorting Order" and "Max Products" options added to each XML file. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - "Characters Case" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - Minor code refactoring. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - Shortcodes are now processed in template. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - `{product_slug_acronym}`, `{parent_product_slug_acronym}`, `{attribute=X}`, `{parent_attribute=X}`, `{variation_attribute=X}` replaced values added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Stock - Module description updated. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Stock - Custom "Available on backorder" - Section added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Stock - Custom "In Stock" - "Low amount" and "Can be backordered" text options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Stock - Major code refactoring. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Upsells - Hide Upsells - Fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Upsells - "Global Upsells" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Upsells - "Upsells Position" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - `WCJ_Module_Product_By_Condition` - WPML support added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - "description" options added to each field. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - select2 - "min input length" and "max input length" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Customization - Disable Fields on Checkout for Logged Users - "Advanced: Custom fields (readonly)" and "Advanced: Custom fields (disabled)" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Customization - Disable Fields on Checkout for Logged Users - Code refactoring. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Customization - Disable Fields on Checkout for Logged Users - Fields to Disable - "Billing country" and "Shipping country" fields added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - "USER ROLES to show this field" and "USER ROLES to hide this field" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - Admin Settings - Restyling. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - General Options - "Remove All Uploaded Files on Empty Cart" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - `wcj_checkout_files_upload` action added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Coupon by User Role - Initial module release. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - URL Coupons - Minor code refactoring. * Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Country, State or Postcode - "European Union" selection fixed. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Left to Free Shipping - "Shipping Methods by Users" module support added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - "Enable Colors in Status Column" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Tool - "Text Color" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Min/Max Quantities - "Single Item Cart" options section added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Descriptions - "Use Shipping Instances" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Icons - "Use Shipping Instances" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Methods by Cities - Initial module release. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Methods by Products - "Cart or Package" options added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Methods by Products - "Shipping Methods by Product Shipping Classes" section added. * Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - `wcj_tcpdf_method()` - Params fixed. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Advanced - General Display Options - PDF Invoices Meta Box on Admin Edit Order Page - "Open docs in new window" option added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display & Misc. - "Thank You Page" options added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Invoices Report - Restyling. Code refactoring. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - `http://storage.algoritmika.com/booster/tcpdf_fonts/` changed to `http://storage.booster.io/tcpdf_fonts/`. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Bar - Checking for `current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' )` before displaying the menus. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Email Verification - Skip Email Verification for User Roles - Default value (being not an array) bug fixed. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - My Account - "Add User Role Selection to Registration Form" options added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Orders - "Payment Gateways" report added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Orders - Monthly Sales (with Currency Conversion) - Forecast - Year forecast added and output restyled. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - User Tracking - Track Orders - "Order List Columns" option added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_cross_sell_display]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_upsell_display]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_slug]` shortcode added. * Fix - Functions - Admin - `wcj_is_admin_product_edit_page()` - AJAX loading variations included. * Fix - Functions - General - `wcj_get_select_options()` - Handling empty string (`$select_options_raw`) correctly now. * Dev - Functions - Code refactoring - `wcj-functions-math.php` added. * Dev - Classes - `WCJ_Module_Product_By_Condition` class added (affected modules: "Product Custom Visibility", "Product Visibility by User Role", "Product Visibility by Country"). * Dev - Classes - `WCJ_Module_Shipping_By_Condition` - Changed to `abstract`. * Dev - Classes - `WCJ_Module` - `save_meta_box()` - Global post setup added. * Dev - Admin - Booster global message restyled. * Dev - "Standard PHP sessions" is now the default option for `WCJ_SESSION_TYPE`. Affected modules: Checkout Files Upload, EU VAT Number, Multicurrency (Currency Switcher), Product Visibility by Country, Product Custom Visibility, Tax Display, Prices and Currencies by Country. = 3.5.3 - 12/04/2018 = * Dev - PRODUCTS - Cross Sells - Initial module release. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Shortcodes are now processed in product input fields titles and placeholders. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Upsells - Initial module release. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Empty Cart Button - Button position on the Checkout page - Some possible positions removed (fixes the issue with "Place order" button not working etc.). * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Empty Cart Button - Button position on the Cart page - More possible positions added. * Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Email Options - Checking for invoice to be created before attaching it to email (fixes the issue with empty invoices attached with zero total orders, and "Do not create if order total equals zero" option enabled). * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - "Show Booster Menus Only to Admin" option added. = 3.5.2 - 09/04/2018 = * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Bulk Actions - Merge (Print) - Error messages output added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Bulk Actions - Merge (Print) - Namespaces parse error in PHP < 5.3.0 fixed. = 3.5.1 - 09/04/2018 = * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Advanced: Price Filters Priority - Added to all hooks. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - "Advanced: Price Filters Priority" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - "Frontend Position" option added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Mini Cart Custom Info - Admin settings restyled. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Left to Free Shipping - `wcj_get_left_to_free_shipping()` - WooCommerce below v3.3.0 compatibility issue fixed. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Time - Admin settings - Description updated. * Dev - Shortcodes - Code refactoring - "Cart" shortcodes moved to new `class-wcj-shortcodes-cart.php` file. * Dev - Shortcodes - Cart - `[wcj_cart_items_total_quantity]` - Code refactoring. * Dev - Shortcodes - Cart - `[wcj_cart_items_total_weight]` - Code refactoring. * Dev - Shortcodes - Cart - `[wcj_cart_discount_tax]`, `[wcj_cart_discount_total]` shortcodes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Cart - `[wcj_cart_fee_tax]`, `[wcj_cart_fee_total]` shortcodes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Cart - `[wcj_cart_function]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Cart - `[wcj_cart_shipping_total]`, `[wcj_cart_shipping_tax]` shortcodes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Cart - `[wcj_cart_subtotal]`, `[wcj_cart_subtotal_tax]` shortcodes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Cart - `[wcj_cart_tax]`, `[wcj_cart_total_ex_tax]` shortcodes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - Columns - `item_product_input_fields_with_titles` column added. = 3.5.0 - 04/04/2018 = * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Exchange Rates Server - "Bank of England (BOE)" server added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Exchange Rates Server - "Google" server added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Exchange Rates Server - ECB option set as fallback; marked as "recommended". * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Missing options (rounding) added to variation prices hash and hash array restructured. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - Missing options (rounding etc.) added to variation prices hash and hash array restructured. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - Minor code refactoring. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price Formats - `wc_get_price_decimals` filter added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - "Price by User Role by Products Tags" section added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - "Booster - Selector" (country) widget now overrides "Booster - Country Switcher" widget (in case if both widgets are enabled). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Local input fields are saved as array now in product's meta. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - Shop Page Display Options - "Exclude Categories Products" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - Modify Query - "Widgets" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - Autogenerate SKUs tool - Optional "Min ID" and "Max ID" options added (to generate SKUs only for selected products). * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - `{product_slug}`, `{parent_product_slug}`, `{variation_attributes}`, `{parent_sku}` replaced values added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Stock - Now shortcodes are processed in all "HTML" options. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Country, State or Postcode - General Options - "Detect Country by" (billing / shipping / by IP) and "Detect State by" (billing / shipping) options added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Shipping - "Use Shipping Instances" option added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Shipping - Code refactoring (`wcj_get_shipping_methods()`). * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Left to Free Shipping - Calculating cart total exactly as in `WC_Shipping_Free_Shipping` class. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Left to Free Shipping - Admin settings - Descriptions updated. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Left to Free Shipping - `%cart_total%` replaced value added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Maximum Products per User - Initial module release. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - "Enable Editable Order Number Meta Box" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - "Minimal Order ID" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - `%order_items_skus%` replaced value added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Descriptions - "Description Position" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Methods by Min/Max Order Amount - "Use Shipping Instances" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Methods by Products - "Products" section - "Add Products Variations" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Time - Initial module release. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - `WCJ_Module_Shipping_By_Condition` (Shipping Methods by Products / Users) - "Use Shipping Instances" option added. * Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Advanced - Temp Directory - Option now used in "Invoices Report" tool and in orders "Bulk Actions". * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Advanced - General Display Options - Meta Box - Editable invoice numbers added. * Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Invoices Report Tool - "Download all monthly documents PDFs in single ZIP file" - `check_user_roles()` fixed. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Bulk Actions - "Merge (Print)" bulk action added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Bulk Actions - Code refactoring. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Bulk Actions - Download - Code refactoring (`wcj_send_file()` function added). * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Bulk Actions - Download - Site URL and min/max orders IDs added to zip filename. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Bulk Actions - Download - `ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE` added when creating zip file. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - Show Variable Product Pricing Table - Displaying all variations (instead of only available variations). * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Email Options - Email Forwarding - "Orders Emails: Enable for Statuses" option added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_cart_total]` - `multiply_by` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_shipping_time_table]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_customer_data]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items]` - Special `_sku` value added for the `field` attribute. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_notes]` - `limit` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_price]` - `multiply_by_attribute` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_shipping_time_table]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - `multiply` common attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - `site_visibility` common attribute - `front_page` option added. * Dev - Functions - Debug - `error_reporting( E_ALL )` moved to `wcj-loader.php`. * Dev - Functions - Debug - `wcj_log()` - `$do_var_dump` param added. * Dev - Functions - Price and Currency - `wcj_get_currency_exchange_rate_product_base_currency()` - Minor code refactoring. * Dev - Functions - Products - `wcj_get_products()` - Product's ID info added. * Dev - Functions - Products - `wcj_product_has_terms()` - Function now also accepts product id as param. * Dev - Functions - Shipping - `wcj-functions-shipping.php` added. * Fix - Classes - `WCJ_Invoice` - `get_file_name()` - Empty file name fallback fixed. * Dev - Classes - Shortcodes - Minor code refactoring. * Dev - Classes - `WCJ_PDF_Invoice` - Minor code refactoring. * Dev - Manage Settings - "Use List Instead of Comma Separated Text for Products Categories/Tags in Settings" options added (Supported modules: Product Info). = 3.4.5 - 19/02/2018 = * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Crons - "Undefined index..." notices in log fixed. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - "Exchange Rates Offset (Percent)" options added for each currency pair. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - "Update all rates now" button added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Session init moved to the `init` hook (on "WC Sessions"). * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Session init moved to the `init` hook (on "WC Sessions"). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - Admin Settings - Descriptions updated. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - "Content Processing" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Session Type in Booster" option re-enabled. * Dev - Speed Optimization - "WC Sessions" is now the default option for `WCJ_SESSION_TYPE`. Affected modules: Checkout Files Upload, EU VAT Number, Multicurrency (Currency Switcher), Product Visibility by Country, Product Custom Visibility, Tax Display, Prices and Currencies by Country. * Dev - Code refactoring - Replaced some code with `wcj_is_frontend()`. = 3.4.4 - 15/02/2018 = * Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - `K_TCPDF_CALLS_IN_HTML` set to `true` (fixes the issue with using TCPDF methods in HTML, e.g. `[wcj_tcpdf_pagebreak]` shortcode). = 3.4.3 - 14/02/2018 = * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Checking header image and background image to exist (before adding to PDF). * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Header - Header Image - Admin description expanded. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Page Settings - Background Image - Admin description (with image path) added; admin description expanded. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Advanced - Default Images Directory - Default value set to `DOCUMENT_ROOT`. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - System Info - `$_SERVER` info added (works with `wcj_debug` param). = 3.4.2 - 13/02/2018 = * Fix - Forcing session type to `standard` (and "Session Type in Booster" option temporary disabled). Affected modules: Checkout Files Upload, EU VAT Number, Multicurrency (Currency Switcher), Product Visibility by Country, Product Custom Visibility, Tax Display, Prices and Currencies by Country. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Header - Header Image - Admin description (with image path) added. = 3.4.1 - 13/02/2018 = * Fix - PRODUCTS - SKU - Search by SKU - `pre_get_posts` - `$wpdb->prefix` is used instead of hard-coded `wp_` prefix. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Descriptions - Description updated. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Icons - Description updated. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Session Type in Booster" option fixed. = 3.4.0 - 12/02/2018 = * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Discount info on cart page - Price taxes display fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Discount info on cart page - `price_directly` and `fixed` discount taxes display fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Discount info on cart page - `price_directly` case fixed. * Fix - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Add to Cart Button Labels - Per Product Type - Additional checks added for WC cart to exist. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Add to Cart Button Labels - Per Product Type - `do_shortcode` added. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Add to Cart Button Labels - Per Product Type - Code clean up. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Add to Cart - `get_checkout_url()` replaced with `wc_get_checkout_url()`. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Add to Cart Button Visibility - All Products - "Content" options added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Bookings - WooCommerce v3.0.0 compatibility - `woocommerce_add_order_item_meta` hook replaced with `woocommerce_checkout_create_order_line_item` hook. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - WooCommerce v3.0.0 compatibility - `woocommerce_add_order_item_meta` hook replaced with `woocommerce_new_order_item` hook. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Frontend Templates" section added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "HTML Class" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Admin Settings (General and Per Product) - Restyling. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Availability by Date - "Direct Date" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Info - Admin Settings - Descriptions updated and settings restyled. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - WooCommerce v3.0.0 compatibility - `woocommerce_add_order_item_meta` hook replaced with `woocommerce_new_order_item` hook. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - "HTML Class" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - Now `do_shortcode()` is used in tabs output, instead of applying `the_content` filter. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - Search by SKU - "Advanced: Search by SKU Hook" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - "Remove SKU from Admin Emails" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Stock - "Custom In Stock" section added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Stock - "Custom Stock HTML" section added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Stock - "Remove Stock Display" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Stock - Admin Settings - Minor restyling. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart Custom Info - Cart Items Table Custom Info - `wp_reset_postdata()` added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - "Include/exclude product categories" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - General Options - "Force Fields Sort by Priority" option added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - `wcj_checkout_custom_field_visible` filter added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Customization - "Restrict Billing/Shipping Countries by Customer's IP" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Customization - Admin Settings - Descriptions updated and settings restyled. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - Admin order view - "Delete all files" button added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Shortcodes can now be used in all "Progress Messages" (e.g. it can now be translated with `[wcj_wpml]`). * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Country or State - "Include/Exclude Postcodes" options added. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Admin Orders List - `pre_get_posts` hook priority fixed. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Custom Shipping - "Apply Formula to Costs" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Custom Shipping - Code refactoring. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Sequential: Reset Counter - Bug fixed. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - "Admin Order Navigation" added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Descriptions - Initial module release (copied from "Shipping Options" module). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Icons - Initial module release (copied from "Shipping Options" module). * Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display & Misc. - Allowed User Roles - Selected user roles are now checked when creating and/or deleting documents (was hard-coded Administrator and Shop Manager). * Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display & Misc. - `pre_get_posts` hook priority fixed. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - Number of Custom Documents - Limited to max 100. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - PDF Invoices Order Meta Box - "View" link is opened in new window now. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - TCPDF library version updated to v6.2.13 (was v6.0.084). * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Bar - Booster: Active - Title fixed. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - System Info - `WCJ_SESSION_TYPE` constant info added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom CSS - Admin Settings - Minor restyling. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom JS - Admin Settings - Minor restyling. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - My Account - "Custom Info Blocks" section added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_customer_order_count]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_customer_total_spent]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_wc_session_value]`, `[wcj_session_value]`, `[wcj_request_value]` shortcodes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - Columns - `product_weight_multiply_qty` column added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_notes]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_price]` - `multiply_by_meta` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_stock_status]` shortcode added. * Dev - Functions - Core - Function for checking for active plugin rewritten. * Dev - Functions - General - Code refactoring - `wcj_tcpdf_method()`. * Dev - Functions - General - `wcj_get_left_to_free_shipping()` - Backward compatibility with WooCommerce below v3.2.0 added. * Fix - Functions - General - Additional checks in `wcj_session_` functions. * Fix - Functions - Users - `wcj_get_current_user_all_roles()` - Additional checks added. * Dev - Speed Optimization - "WC Sessions" is now the default option for `WCJ_SESSION_TYPE` (can be changed in "General" module). * Dev - Speed Optimization - "WC Sessions" support added to EU VAT Number, Checkout Files Upload, Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) and Prices and Currencies by Country modules. * Dev - Admin Settings - Modules submenu now is sorted by title. * Dev - Settings Manager - "Reset meta" button added (separated from "Reset" options button). * Dev - Code refactoring - `alg_` replaced with `wcj_` in function and class names. * Dev - Link changed from `http://booster.io` to `https://booster.io` in all plugin files. = 3.3.0 - 11/01/2018 = * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currencies - Belarusian ruble code updated (from `BYR` to `BYN`). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - Advanced Options - "Save Converted Product Prices in Array" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - "Per product options style" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Per product settings (`inline`) restyled. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Groups - "Admin Title" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - Admin settings restyled. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - "Round single product price" option added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - `wcj_is_product_wholesale_enabled()` - "Products to exclude" option fixed. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Add to Cart Button Labels - Module renamed (was "Add to Cart Labels"). * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Passing product object to shortcodes (instead of product id). * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Admin settings restyled etc. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - More Button Labels - "Override Default Text" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Add to Cart - "Add to Cart Button Position Options" section added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Add to Cart - Module renamed (was "Product Add to Cart"). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Add to Cart Button Visibility - Per Product - "Content" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Add to Cart Button Visibility - "Per Category" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Add to Cart Button Visibility - Initial module release (copied from "Product Add to Cart - Add to Cart Button Disabling"). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Quantity" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Admin settings minor restyling. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - Settings (meta box) restyled. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Products XML Feeds - Admin settings - Minor changes. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart Custom Info - Admin settings minor restyling. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - Override Fields - `required` added to options. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Info - Admin settings minor restyling. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Customization - Customize "Returning customer?" message option added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Admin order edit - Customer's VAT number added on admin customer select and on "Load billing address". * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Admin order edit - "Validate VAT and remove taxes" button added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - Advanced Options - Gateways Input Fields - "Add 'Delete' button" option added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Country or State - Admin settings description updated. Minor code refactoring. * Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Currency - Admin settings - `$paypal_allowed_currencies_and_names` type fixed (changed to array). * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Fees and Discounts - "WooCommerce PayPal Express Checkout Payment Gateway" (by WooCommerce) plugin support added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Admin Orders List - Admin settings - Minor restyling. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Left to Free Shipping - Outputting "You have Free delivery" if free shipping is available without order minimum amount (e.g. coupon). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Left to Free Shipping - Admin settings - Minor restyling. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Orders Renumerate Tool - More info added when sequential number generation is enabled. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - `add_order_number_meta()` - Bug fixed (when "Number Generation" is set to "Order ID"). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Admin settings - Minor restyling. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - "Sequential: Reset Counter" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - "Country by IP" section added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - "Advanced" submodule added (some settings moved from "General", "Styling" and "Display & Misc." sections). * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display - Admin order meta box - Message if no document types are enabled added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - Admin settings minor restyling. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - Report Tool Options - Report Columns - "Cart Total Excl. Tax", "Shipping Total Excl. Tax", "Cart Tax", "Shipping Tax", "Cart Tax %", "Shipping Tax %" columns added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - Report Tool Options - "Report Columns" option added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - Report Tool Options - "Tax Percent Precision" option added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Templates - Admin settings minor restyling. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - Log tool restyled. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - "Show Variable Product Pricing Table" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Modules By User Roles - Initial module release. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Customers - Flag images fixed. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Customers - Country sets updated. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_tcpdf_rectangle]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_tcpdf_barcode]` and `[wcj_barcode]` - Code refactoring (corresponding functions added to `wcj-functions-general.php`). * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `currency` attribute added to all shortcodes which use `wcj_price_shortcode()` function. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_tcpdf_barcode]` shortcode added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `item_subtotal_tax_excl`, `item_subtotal_tax_incl`, `line_subtotal_tax_excl`, `line_subtotal_tax_incl` and `line_subtax` columns fixed for "custom" items (i.e. "shipping and discount as item") for WC from v3.0.0. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `product_barcode` column added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_profit]` and `[wcj_order_items_cost]` shortcodes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_barcode]` shortcode added. * Dev - Functions - General - `wcj_tcpdf_barcode()` - Border removed. * Dev - Functions - Booster Core - `wcj-functions-core.php` file renamed to `wcj-functions-booster-core.php`. * Dev - Functions - "Core" functions file added. * Dev - Functions - Exchange Rates - `wcj_get_saved_exchange_rate()` - Returning `1` when `currency_from` equals `currency_to`. * Fix - Functions - Price and Currency - `wcj_price_by_product_base_currency()` - Checking if currency exchange rate not equals zero (so no division by zero can happen). * Dev - Settings - Readme generator `woojetpack_readme` removed. * Dev - Classes - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box()` - Tooltip restyled. Optional `css` attribute added to `title` type. * Dev - Core - Options - Code refactoring. * Dev - Core - Shortcodes - Code refactoring - Shortcodes objects saved in `WCJ()->shortcodes` array. * Dev - Core - `wcj-constants.php` file moved to `core` directory. * Dev - Version option name changed. Some filters renamed. "WC tested up to" added to plugin's header. = 3.2.4 - 27/12/2017 = * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currencies - More cryptocurrencies added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Secondary "Exchange Rates Server" option added to each currency pair. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - `change_currency_symbol()` - Changing symbol for appropriate currency code only. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price Formats - "Additional Currency Code Position" option added. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Call for Price - Variable and grouped products support added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Admin Products List - Initial module release (moved from "Product Listings" module). * Fix - PRODUCTS - Bookings - `wp_die()` replaced with `die()` in `price_change_ajax()`. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - "Set All Products to Sold individually" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - External Products - Open External Products on Add to Cart in New Window - on Category/Archive Pages - Additional themes compatibility added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - `wp_die()` replaced with `die()` in `price_change_ajax()`. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Position Priority on Frontend" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Custom Visibility - Initial module release. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Images - "Enable Section" option removed. Minor setting restyling. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - `array_merge()` replaced with `array_replace()` for `wcj_get_select_options()` results (with placeholder). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Frontend View Options - "HTML Template - Radio Field" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - "Add Per Product Tabs Content to Yoast SEO plugin analysis" option added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - Session bug fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Products XML - "Products to Include/Exclude" options can now be set as comma separated text (optionally) (instead of list). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Products XML - Renamed to "Products XML Feeds". Description and documentation URL updated. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Sale Flash - "Per Product", "Per Category", "Per Tag" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Sale Flash - Initial module release (copied from "Product Images" module). * Fix - PRODUCTS - Tax Display - by Product & by User Role - `wcj_is_frontend()` check added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Tax Display - "TAX Display - Toggle Button" section added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Tax Display - Initial module release (moved from "Product Listings" module). * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - "Customer Meta Fields" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - "Min Cart Amount" and "Max Cart Amount" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - `array_merge()` replaced with `array_replace()` for `wcj_get_select_options()` results (with placeholder). * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Preserve VAT in Base Country - Issue with lowercase country code n VAT ID fixed. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Admin Orders List - Initial module release (moved from "Orders" module). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Minimum Amount - "Exclude Discounts from Cart Total" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Bulk Regenerate Download Permissions for Orders - All Orders - "Periodically" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Methods by Users / Shipping Methods by Products / Shipping Options (Hide if Free Shipping is Available) - "Filter Priority" options added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - "Advanced: Temp Directory" option added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Page Settings - Page Format - "Custom" options added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom Emails - `%customer%` can now be used in comma separated list for multiple recipients. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Custom Ranges / Product Sales (Daily) / Reports functions (also affects Export module) - `time()` replaced with `current_time()`. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Orders - Product Sales (Monthly) - `wcj_reports_products_sales_check_product` filter added. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Orders - Product Sales (Monthly) - WooCommerce v3.0.0 compatibility - "Product `parent` property accessed directly" issue fixed. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_barcode]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_tcpdf_barcode]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_date]` - `days` attribute added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `item_meta` column - `is_custom` meta excluded. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_category_count]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_price]` - `currency` attribute added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_purchase_price]` - Using `wcj_get_product_id()` instead of `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_purchase_price]` - `hide_currency` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes files renamed. * Dev - Functions - "Crons" added. * Dev - Functions - Debug - `wcj_log()` - `esc_url()` added. * Dev - Functions - Exchange Rates - `wcj_get_saved_exchange_rate()` function added. * Dev - Functions - Exchange Rates - Code refactoring (`wcj_get_currency_exchange_rates_url_response()` function added). * Dev - Functions - Exchange Rates - Exchange Rates Server - "CoinMarketCap" server added. * Dev - Functions - Exchange Rates - Exchange Rates Server - "Coinbase" server added. * Dev - Functions - General - `wcj_get_select_options()` - Prefix (`wcj-`) removed (was added in v3.2.3). * Dev - Functions - General - `wcj_get_select_options()` - `trim()` added. * Fix - Functions - Price and Currency - `wc_get_product_purchase_price()` - `int` replaced with `float` - this fixes the issue with purchase price calculating incorrectly (cutting decimal part). * Dev - Settings Manager - Import - Checking for `wcj_` prefix, when importing plugin settings. * Dev - Settings Manager - Reset - Now deletes all options (also includes meta). * Dev - Admin Settings - Custom Fields - `exchange_rate` field updated (12 decimals in `step` and code refactoring). * Dev - Code refactoring. `core` directory added. = 3.2.3 - 03/12/2017 = * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - cURL option fixed for "Yahoo" and "Fixer.io" servers. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Server - Default value set to "European Central Bank (ECB)". * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - "Entrada" theme filter added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - "Product Shop Visibility by Price" section added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - SKU - Search by SKU on frontend - Bug fixed. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - "Advanced Options" section added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Coupon Code Generator - Initial module release (moved from "General" module). * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Coupon Code Generator - "Algorithm" and "Length" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - URL Coupons - Module moved from "EMAILS & MISC." section. * Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Min/Max Amounts - Checking for `WC()` function to exist before accessing to `WC()->cart`. Checking for `is_checkout()`. Code refactoring. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Min/Max Quantities - General Options - Variable Products - "Force on add to cart" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Min/Max Quantities - General Options - Variable Products - "Action on variation change" option added. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Min/Max Quantities - `get_cart_url()` method replaced with `wc_get_cart_url()` function. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Minimum Amount - `get_cart_url()` method replaced with `wc_get_cart_url()` function. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - "WooCommerce Subscriptions" plugin compatibility added (sequential and random order numbers). * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - "Replace Admin Order Search with Invoice Search" option added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - "Default Images Directory" option moved from "Header" settings section to "General" section. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Page Settings - "Background Image" option added. * Fix - Functions - General - `wcj_get_select_options()` - Prefix (`wcj-`) is added to the keys (to prevent issues with numeric keys). * Fix - Settings Manager - `manage_options()` - Security issue fixed. = 3.2.2 - 12/11/2017 = * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - "Advanced: Price Filters Priority" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - "Advanced: Price Filters Priority" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Text" addon type added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Template options added. Now (by default) using styling in emails and order received page. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Advanced Options - "Skip VAT Validation for Selected Countries" option added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Display - After order table - Output restyled. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Admin settings descriptions and styling updated. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by User Role - Module's main hook priority lowered (so e.g. it's now run before the "Gateways Min/Max Amounts" module). * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Custom Statuses Tool - Adding "Delete" and "Edit" buttons to Booster's custom statuses only. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Custom Statuses Tool - "Delete All Custom Statuses" button added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Custom Statuses Tool - Sanitizing slug when adding new custom status. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Default Order Status - "No changes" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Major code refactoring and clean up. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Min/Max Quantities - Min and max quantities added to quantity input on single product page (if "Per Item Quantity" is enabled). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Min/Max Quantities - "Per Item Quantity on Per Product Basis" added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Invoices Renumerate Tool - Code clean up. Restyling. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Numbering - "Template" option added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Styling - Admin settings - Minor restyling. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Breadcrumbs - `hide_breadcrumbs_with_css()` - Additional identifier added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom Emails - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - `post_status`. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `wcj_order_items_table_data` filter added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `sort_by_column` attribute added. * Dev - Functions - Exchange Rates - Deprecated average exchange rates (Yahoo) calculation removed. * Dev - Functions - Exchange Rates - Average exchange rates (Fixer.io) calculation added. * Dev - Functions - Exchange Rates - Exchange Rates Server - "Fixer.io" server added. * Dev - Functions - Exchange Rates - Exchange Rates Server - "Yahoo" URL updated. * Dev - Functions - Orders - Clean up (`wcj_get_order_statuses()`). * Dev - Functions - Price and Currency - `wc_get_product_purchase_price()` - Converting post meta to `int` before adding (fixes PHP 7 notice). * Fix - Functions - Users - `wcj_get_current_user_first_role()` - Code changed, so now user role is always correctly identified (i.e. with any array index). * Dev - `WCJ_Invoice` - Default values added to `get_option()` calls. * Dev - `WCJ_Product` - Class removed (`get_purchase_price()` function moved to `wc_get_product_purchase_price()`). = 3.2.1 - 30/10/2017 = * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - Minor code refactoring. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Getting product directly from cart (instead of by ID) - this fixes the issue with "Product Addons" module compatibility. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Minor code refactoring and admin settings restyling. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Methods by Min/Max Order Amount - Initial module release. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Methods by Products - "Include" Options - "Validate all" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Methods by Users - "... by Users" (`user_id`) section added. Module (documentation) URL changed. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - `WCJ_Module_Shipping_By_Condition` (Shipping Methods by Products / Users) - Admin settings restyled. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - `WCJ_Module_Shipping_By_Condition` - Code refactoring. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Admin settings - Minor restyling. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - Show Order/Product Meta - Array type values display fixed. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Orders Items - Additional Fields - "Order Item Meta" type added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Orders Items - Additional Fields - Code refactoring. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_store_address]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_wp_option]` shortcode added. * Dev - Functions - Products - `wcj_get_product_input_fields()` - Array type values display fixed. * Dev - Functions - Files renamed. * Dev - Langs - `pt_BR`, `ro_RO`, `ja`, `is_IS`, `it_IT`, `sv_SE`, `az` translation files added. * Dev - Langs - "po" files removed. * Dev - Classes - `WCJ_Module` - Minor code refactoring. = 3.2.0 - 20/10/2017 = * Dev - WooCommerce v3.2 compatibility - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Left to Free Shipping - "WC_Cart->taxes function is deprecated since version 3.2" notice fixed. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.2 compatibility - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom Emails - Custom emails added to order actions. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.2 compatibility - Shipping Taxes - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.2 compatibility - Shipping Taxes - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.2 compatibility - Shipping Taxes - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.2 compatibility - Shipping Taxes - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Currency Converter. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.2 compatibility - Admin settings - `select` type options fixed; `text` with class `widefat` options fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - Shipping calculation fixed. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Code refactoring. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - Roles & Multipliers - "Disable Price by User Role for Regular Price" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - "TAX Display in the Shop - by User Role" section added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - "Select: Use select2 Library" options added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - "Bulk Regenerate Download Permissions for Orders" section added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - "Orders Renumerate Tool Options" admin settings section added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Methods by Products - Initial module release. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Methods by Users - Module renamed from "Shipping Methods by User Role". Major code refactoring. "Shipping Methods by User Membership" section added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - Now invoices can be created on multiple statuses. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Header - Header Image - Shortcodes processing added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Email Options - Getting full emails list directly from WooCommerce (instead of using manually defined list). * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Invoices Report - "Payment Gateway" column added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_custom_field]` - `key` attribute added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `product_meta` and `product_post_meta` columns fixed. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - Major code refactoring and clean up. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - "Multicolumns" functionality added. * Dev - Functions - Country - `wcj_get_european_union_countries_with_vat()` - `GR` changed to `24`; `RO` changed to `19`. * Dev - Plugin update checker - "Check site key now" now saves the key before checking. * Dev - `es_ES` translation files added. = 3.1.3 - 04/10/2017 = * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Global Discount - Admin settings descriptions updated. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Admin settings restyled; descriptions updated. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price Formats - Space not saving in thousand and decimal separator admin settings fields fixed. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price Formats - "Trim Zeros in Prices" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price Formats - Price Formats by Currency (or WPML) - "Enable section" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - More Options - "Generate SKU for New Products Only on First Publish" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - Admin settings restyled. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Admin settings descriptions updated. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - Coupons - "Generate Coupon Code Automatically" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - URL Coupons - Admin settings descriptions updated. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - User Tracking - Initial module release (moved from "General" module). * Dev - Functions - User Roles - `wcj_is_user_role()` - `super_admin` added if checking for `administrator`. * Dev - Plugin update checker - "Check site key now" button added. * Dev - Plugin update checker - "Try again" links added. * Dev - Plugin update checker - Do not overwrite valid status with server error status. * Dev - `wcj_full_pack` filter added. = 3.1.2 - 22/09/2017 = * Dev - WooCommerce v3.2 compatibility - Shipping Taxes - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher). * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `wcj_pdf_invoicing_cell_data` filter - `order` argument added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `hide_zero_prices` - attribute added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_refunds_table]` - `columns` - `refund_number` fixed. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_refunds_table]` - `insert_page_break` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_after_refund]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_tax_after_refund]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_tax]` - Code refactoring. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Admin settings restyled. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - "Advanced: Additional Price Filters" option added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - Advanced: Saved Calculated Products Prices - Filter bug fixed. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - "Make Custom Status Orders Editable" option added. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom Emails - Email attachments fixed. = 3.1.1 - 17/09/2017 = * Dev - Version message added. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box()` - `show_value` option added. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box()` - `class` option added. * Dev - Functions - Order - `[wcj_get_order_id]` - Check added (`is_object( $_order )`). * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_current_currency_code]` and `[wcj_current_currency_symbol]` shortcodes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_you_save]` - `multiply_by` attribute added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Price by Formula - "Enable Price Calculation By Formula For All Products" option fixed (`disabled`). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Price by Formula - Settings restyled. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - Admin Options - "Visibility Method" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - Admin Options - "Country List" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Related Products - Hide - "Include/Exclude Categories/Tags/Products" options added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Related Products - "Clear all products transients" button - `post_status` error fixed. * Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - "Do not create if order total equals zero" fixed (for "Invoice"). * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Emails - `add_pdf_invoice_email_attachment()` - Check added (`is_object( $order )`). = 3.1.0 - 11/09/2017 = * Dev - Shortcodes - `visibility` attribute - `wrong_user_text` attribute set to empty string by default now; `wrong_user_text_not_logged_in` attribute added (defaults to empty string). * Dev - Shortcodes - `location` and `not_location` attributes - `wcj_get_user_location()` - Code refactoring. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_wholesale_price_table]` - `columns_style` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_selector]` - shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - `unserialize()` replaced with `maybe_unserialize()` for "WooCommerce TM Extra Product Options" plugin data. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `columns` - `product_categories` column added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `columns` - `item_quantity_refunded` and `item_quantity_excl_refunded` columns added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `columns` - `item_total_refunded` column added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `refunded_items_table` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - Returning empty string if no items found. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_refunds_table]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_shipping_refunded]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_tax_refunded]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_subtotal_to_display]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_formatted]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_remaining_refund_amount]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` - `columns_style` attribute added. * Dev - Widgets - Code refactoring (now as `WCJ_Widget` child classes). * Dev - Widgets - "Booster - Selector" widget added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Global Discount - "Exclude Product Categories" and "Include/Exclude Product Tags/Products" options added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Global Discount - Code refactoring, clean up and fixes. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Added "WooCommerce Product Add-ons" plugin compatibility. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - "Advanced: Saved Calculated Products Prices" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - "Round Prices" options added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Minimum quantity for applied discount changed from 1 to 0. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Variable Radio Buttons - Formatting options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Info - Advanced - "Extra Filters" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Frontend View Options - "Position on Single Product Page" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Fields Options - "Order" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Additional check for `is_string( $value )` added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Values refilled after add to cart. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - All Products - "Categories/Tags/Products to include/exclude" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Settings restyled. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Code refactoring and clean up. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - "Key" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - Code refactoring, clean up and minor fixes. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - Deprecated options not displayed (if empty). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - `do_shortcode` added when checking for empty content (before displaying the tab). * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country / by User Role - Getting `post__not_in` from query (instead of starting with empty array). * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - "European Union" selection fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - "User Country Selection Method" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - Code refactoring. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - Settings restyled and descriptions added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - Descriptions added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart Customization - Change Empty Cart "Return to shop" Button Text - "Method" option added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - "Override Default Address Fields" and "Override Country Locale Fields" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - "Account Username", "Account Password-2" fields added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Customization - "Customize order received message" options added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways per Product or Category - "Use List Instead of Comma Separated Text for Products in Settings" support added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Left to Free Shipping - Settings restyled. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Code refactoring and clean up. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Skipping order number generation for `auto-draft` orders. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Order Tracking - Removed sanitizing order id (was added in WC v3.1.0). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Order Tracking - `WP_Query` optimized to return `ids` only. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Orders Renumerate - `WP_Query` optimized to return `ids` only. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Checking for `ZipArchive` to exist before generating ZIPs. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Default values added to `get_option()` calls. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display & Misc. - "Admin Title" option added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - "Create on Order Partially Refunded" and "Create on Order Status Refunded and/or Order Partially Refunded" added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Email Options - "Customer - Partially Refunded Order" email added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Invoices Report Tool - Code refactoring, clean up, minor changes. Tool settings restyled. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Invoices Report Tool - "Reports Filename", "CSV Separator", "CSV UTF-8 BOM", "Replace Periods with Commas in CSV Data" options added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Code factoring, clean up and minor fixes. Settings restyled. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Bar - "Booster: Active" admin bar added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom Emails - "Wrap in WC Email Template" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom Emails - Code refactoring, clean up etc. Settings page restyled. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom Emails - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - `billing_email`, `order_date`, `post`. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Email Verification - Settings restyled. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Email Verification - "Verified" column added to admin users list. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Email Verification - "Verification Email Template" options added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Email Verification - `serialize()` and `unserialize()` replaced with `json_encode()` and `json_decode()`. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Session Type in Booster" option added. = 3.0.1 - 03/08/2017 = * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart Customization - "Change Empty Cart Return to shop Button Link" option added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - `required` attribute added to `[wcj_input_field]` shortcode. * Fix - Plus message fixed. = 3.0.0 - 31/07/2017 = * Dev - Plugin update checker added. * Dev - `wcj_modules` filter added. * Dev - `WC_Settings_Jetpack` - `wcj_custom_dashboard_modules` filter added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_billing_country_name]` and `[wcj_order_shipping_country_name]` shortcodes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `columns` - `item_product_addons` column added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Offer Your Price - Button Options - CSS Class - Fixed (wasn't applied at all). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Price by Formula - Compatibility with "Products XML" module added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Bookings - Datepicker Options - "Exclude Months" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Bookings - Datepicker Options - "Exclude Days" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - All Products Addons - "Exclude Products" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Title" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Placeholder" option (for "Select Box" type only) added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Select Box" type added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Bulk Meta Editor - Restyling; minor fixes. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Currency Converter - Module renamed (was "Gateways Currency"). * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Currency - Initial module release. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Styling - `wcj_pdf_invoicing_fonts` filter added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Bar - Booster - Dashboard - `wcj_admin_bar_dashboard_nodes` filter added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Date ranges added. = 2.9.1 - 17/07/2017 = * Dev - `WCJ_Module` - `save_meta_box_validate_value()` added. * Dev - Manage Settings - "Use List Instead of Comma Separated Text for Products in Settings" option added (Supported modules: Product Info). * Dev - Functions - Country - `wcj_get_country_flag_by_code()` - "No flag" added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_site_url]` shortcode added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Availability by Date - Initial module release. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Availability by Time - Settings - Description fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Availability by Time - "Per Product" options added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Options - Hide if Free Shipping is Available - `Hide all except "Local Pickup"` and `Hide "Flat Rate" only` options added. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Bar - Booster - Dashboard - Active - Submodules excluded from the list. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Bar - Booster - Modules - Sorted by title. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - "WooCommerce Log" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom Emails - Renamed from "Emails" module. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom JS - Shortcodes can now be used in custom JS. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Email Options - Initial module release (separated from "Emails" module). * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Track Users" section added. "Top countries by visits" admin dashboard widget added. "Track Orders" (i.e. "Save customer's acquisition source (i.e. HTTP referer) for orders") option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Orders - Monthly Sales (with Currency Conversion) - Monthly rates are set manually now. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Orders - Monthly Sales (with Currency Conversion) - "Forecast total orders and sum (excl. TAX) for current month" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Orders - Monthly Sales (with Currency Conversion) - "Include current day for current month" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Orders - Monthly Sales (with Currency Conversion) - "Orders by Currency" row added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Orders - Monthly Sales (with Currency Conversion) - Code refactoring, clean up etc. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Stock - "Total current stock purchase price" added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Stock - `WP_Query` optimized to return `ids` only. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Stock - Code clean up. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - URL Coupons - "Redirect URL" options added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - URL Coupons - "Automatically add coupon's products to the cart" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - URL Coupons - Initial module release (separated from "General" module). * Tweak - Flags images updated. = 2.9.0 - 02/07/2017 = * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `product_name` column - "WooCommerce TM Extra Product Options" plugin compatibility - `get_meta()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_dimensions]` - `wc_format_dimensions()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - `wc_reduce_stock_levels()`. * Dev - Main plugin file code refactoring. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box()` - `placeholder` option added. * Dev - Settings - Module "Under development" message added. * Dev - Settings - Now deprecated modules are removed if disabled. * Dev - Functions - `wcj-currencies.php` file (`wcj_get_currencies_array()` function) moved to functions folder. * Dev - Functions - `wcj_get_product_id()` and `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()` - Check for "product not null" and `is_object` added. * Fix - Functions - Invoicing - `wcj_get_invoice_date()` - Check for not empty invoice date added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_currency_select_link_list]`, `[wcj_currency_select_radio_list]`, `[wcj_currency_select_drop_down_list]` - `default` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_currency_exchange_rate]` and `[wcj_currency_exchange_rates_table]` shortcodes added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `add_variation_info_to_item_name` attribute defaults to `yes` now. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `columns` - `product_meta`, `product_cost`, `product_profit`, `line_cost`, `line_profit`, `product_id`, `item_product_id`, `product_post_meta`, `product_purchase_note` columns added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `insert_page_break` (defaults to empty string) attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `columns` - `product_attribute` - Checking parent product's attribute for variation products. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_shipping_address]` - `fallback_billing_address` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_customer_meta]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_weight]`, `[wcj_product_length]`, `[wcj_product_width]`, `[wcj_product_height]`, `[wcj_product_dimensions]` - `variations` attribute added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currencies - Virtual currencies (myCred, Bitcoin, Ethereum) added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currencies - Country flags and currency codes added to the settings. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - Minor code refactoring. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - EventON plugin support added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - "Currency per Product Authors" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - "Currency per Product Authors User Roles" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - "Currency per Product Categories" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - "Currency per Product Tags" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - `get_current_product_id_and_currency()` - Getting ID from `global $product` added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - "Exchange Rates Rounding" options added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Custom currency options added. Settings restyled. Code refactoring. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - `wcj_currency_exchange_rates_additional_currencies` filter added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - Base shop currency added to the list. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Offer Your Price - Initial module release. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - "Disable Price by User Role for Products on Sale" option added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Hooks are now added in constructor (instead of `init` hook) - this fixes the issue with wrong currency symbol in price filter widget. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - "Disable Quantity Input" option added (defaults to `yes`). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Cost of Goods - "WooCommerce Cost of Goods" Data Import - Tool added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Cost of Goods - "Admin Products List Custom Columns" - Section added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Add to Cart Variable Product - Display Radio Buttons Instead of Drop Box - Fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Add to Cart Local Redirect - "Per Product" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Add to Cart on Visit - Redirecting if "Add to Cart Local Redirect Options" is enabled. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Images - Shortcodes can now be used in all "Replace" fields. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Info - "Product Categories/Tags to Include/Exclude" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Frontend View Options - "Cart Display Options" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Frontend View Options - "Cart HTML Template" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - "Admin Products List - Custom Columns" section added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - "Admin Products List - Columns Order" section added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - Settings - Code refactoring - `wcj_get_terms()`. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - Visibility, purchasable and query options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - "Admin Products List Column" option added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Products per Page - Template fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Products per Page - "Template - Before Form" and "Template - After Form" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Products per Page - Minor code refactoring. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - "Disable SKUs" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - Adding SKU on product duplicate action added (`woocommerce_duplicate_product`). * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - "Search by SKU" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - Number Generation - "Pseudorandom - Hash (max 10 digits)" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - "Template" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - Sequential counter by categories added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - Code refactoring. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Customization - "Disable Fields on Checkout for Logged Users" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Code refactoring - Separate file for EU VAT functions added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - "First Validation Method" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Custom Shipping - Renamed from "Shipping". * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Minimum Amount - Advanced - "Cart notice method" and "Cart notice type" options added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Min/Max Quantities - Initial module release. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Admin Orders List Custom Columns - "Sortable" options added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Options - Initial module release (copied from "Shipping" module). * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display - Code refactoring. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display - "Allowed User Roles" options added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Footer - "Footer Text" option updated. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Templates - "Save all templates" buttons added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Styling - Default font set to "Helvetica". * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Styling - Font selection option updated. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Styling - "cid0ct (Chinese Traditional)" font added (to extra fonts pack). * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Styling - "STSong Light (Simp. Chinese)" font added (to both minimal and extra fonts packs). * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Styling - Now extra fonts are downloaded to `woocommerce_uploads` folder. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Bar - Initial module release. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - Log - "Now time" added. `wp_safe_redirect()` added to "Delete log" action. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Breadcrumbs - Initial module release. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Email Verification - "Enable Email Verification for Already Registered Users" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Email Verification - "Skip Email Verification for User Roles" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Email Verification - "Verification Message - Failed" - `%resend_verification_url%` replaceable value added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Booster User Roles Changer" options added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - My Account - Initial module release. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Custom Ranges - "Today" and "Yesterday" custom ranges added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Orders - "Product Sales (Daily)" new report added. "Product Sales" renamed to "Product Sales (Monthly)". * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Code refactoring - `wcj-reports-functions.php` added. * Tweak - Code refactoring - `wcj-core-functions.php`, `wcj-order-functions.php`, `wcj-product-functions.php`, `wcj-date-time-functions.php` files added. * Tweak - JS files naming fixed (`wcj-ajax-exchange-rates.js`, `wcj-product-input-fields.js`, `wcj-checkout.js`, `wcj-eu-vat-number.js`). * Tweak - Timepicker files moved to `lib` directory. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - Renamed to "Cost of Goods". * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - Settings descriptions added. * Tweak - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Settings updated (custom column key info added) and restyled (columns order textarea width changed). * Tweak - Plus links updated. = 2.8.2 - 24/05/2017 = * Fix - Functions - `wcj_order_get_payment_method()` - Additional check for order (not null, object and method/property exists) added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `add_variation_info_to_item_name` (defaults to `no`) attribute added - this fixes the issue with double variation info. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `exclude_by_categories` and `exclude_by_tags` attributes added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - `get_variation_prices_hash()` - Additional check for categories option not empty added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - Display Product Price Info in Archives - Displaying info for not open pricing products fixed. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Fees and Discounts - "Exclude Shipping when Calculating Total Cart Amount" option added. * Tweak - Checking for required Plus version message updated. * Tweak - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Styling - "Unicode" added to unicode fonts descriptions. = 2.8.1 - 19/05/2017 = * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_checkout_field]` - Fixed custom checkout fields value not returning properly. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_id]` shortcode added. = 2.8.0 - 19/05/2017 = * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - `wcj_get_product_input_fields()` fixed (used in "Export" module and in `[wcj_order_items_table]` shortcode's `item_product_input_fields` column). * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_checkout_field]` - `$order->get_data()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `shipping_as_item` and `discount_as_item` fixed (in `add_item()`). * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - `get_country()`. * Fix - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()` instead of `get_id()`. * Fix - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Product Images - `woocommerce_single_product_image_html` hook replaced. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Order item meta (`$item->meta_exists()` and `$item->get_meta()`) in `add_product_input_fields_to_order_item_name()` and `add_files_to_email_attachments()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Related Products - `woocommerce_related_products_args` hook replaced with `woocommerce_product_related_posts_query`. Ordering by meta values removed. Ordering by ID, price etc. added. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - `get_payment_method()`; `get_status()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Email Options - `get_payment_method()`. * Fix - `wcj_get_order_item_meta_info()` - `is_custom` meta key excluded from results. * Fix - `wcj-datepicker.js` - 'zero' special value added for `mindate` and `maxdate` (fixes the issue with `mindate=0` and `maxdate=0` in Checkout Custom Fields). * Dev - Major code refactoring - Settings (general and meta box) from file. `add_settings_hook()` function removed from `WCJ_Module` class. * Dev - "Booster" tab priority in WooCommerce settings changed to 1. * Dev - `wcj_number_plus_checkbox` admin settings field type added (and `WC_Settings_Jetpack` code refactoring). * Dev - `wcj_get_products()` - Code refactoring and `add_variations` param added. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box()` - `css` option added. * Dev - Shortcodes - `on_zero` attribute added to all shortcodes. * Dev - Shortcodes - `time` attribute added to all shortcodes. * Dev - Shortcodes - `visibility` (i.e. user role) attribute can now be used in invoice shortcodes; `wrong_user_text` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - `payment_method` and `not_payment_method` attributes added to all shortcodes when used in invoice. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_cart_total]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items]` - `field` attribute's `_qty_x_name` special value added (and `debug` renamed to `_debug`). * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `exclude_by_attribute__name` and `exclude_by_attribute__value` attributes added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_stock_quantity]` - Return empty string instead of `false` on `null`. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_stock_quantity]` - `count_variations` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_description]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_regular_price]` and `[wcj_product_sale_price]` - `multiply_by` attribute added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Bulk Price Converter - Minor code refactoring. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - Additional check for if cart is set added to `get_cart_checkout_currency()`. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - "Currency Switcher Template" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - "Categories" options added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - Minor code refactoring. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - "Per Product Settings Type" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - "Display Product Price Info in Archives" options added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - "Add "Open Pricing" Column to Admin Product List" option added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Bookings - "Product on sale" JS bug fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - "Add to Cart Message Options" section added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Checking for set `product_id` on ajax call. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Variable product with equal variation prices ajax issue fixed. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Negative number addon frontend issue fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Conversion by "Multicurrency (Currency Switcher)" added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Availability by Time - Initial module release. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Bulk Meta Editor - Initial module release. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Images - Product Images Sale Flash - "Hide Everywhere" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Settings restyled. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Frontend CSS `id` and `class` added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Frontend "HTML Template" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - `wcj_product_input_field_frontend_html` filter added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - "Link" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - Code refactoring. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Stock - Initial module release. * Dev - PRODUCTS - User Products - "Product URL (for "External/Affiliate" product type only)" field added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - User Products - "Product Type" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - User Products - `WP_Query` optimized to return `ids` only. * Dev - PRODUCTS - User Products - "Price Step" option added (`[wcj_product_add_new]`). * Dev - PRODUCTS - User Products - "Custom Taxonomies" options added (`[wcj_product_add_new]`). * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart Customization - "Change Empty Cart "Return to shop" Button Text" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - "priority (i.e. order)" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - Minor code refactoring. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - "Priority (i.e. Order)" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Code refactoring - `add_settings_hook()` instead of `get_settings()`. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Admin settings restyled. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - "exclude categories" and "exclude products" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Minor code refactoring. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Empty Cart Button - `[wcj_empty_cart_button]` shortcode added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Empty Cart Button - "Do not add" option added to "Button position on the Cart page". * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Empty Cart Button - Code refactoring. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - "Default "Processing" and "Complete" Action Buttons" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Admin Orders List Custom Columns - "Value" admin settings field type changed to `custom_textarea`. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Admin Orders List Custom Columns - "Country" column renamed to "Billing Country" and code refactoring. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Admin Orders List Custom Columns - "Currency Code" column and filtering added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Custom Shipping (Legacy - without Shipping Zones) - "Custom Shipping Methods Number" option moved to free version. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Custom Shipping (Legacy - without Shipping Zones) - All options copied from "Custom Shipping" with zones. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Custom Shipping - "By Total Cart Quantity Table" option added to "Type". * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Calculator - Minor code refactoring. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Methods by User Role - Initial module release. * Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Styling - Default values for additional custom documents fixed. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Directory changed from `settings` to `submodules`. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display & Misc. - "Add PDF Invoices Meta Box to Admin Edit Order Page" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom CSS - "Custom CSS on per Product Basis" options added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom JS - Initial module release. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Email Verification - Initial module release. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Old Slugs - Code refactoring. Output restyled. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Booster: More Ranges - "Last 36 Months" option added. * Tweak - Plugin update admin notices added. * Tweak - `WCJ_Module` - `extra_desc` and `link_slug` properties added. * Tweak - Link changed from `http://booster.io` to `https://booster.io` in readme.txt; main plugin file; module's documentation links. = 2.7.1 - 13/04/2017 = * Fix - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Per Product - "Variable products" visibility options fixed. * Fix - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Per Product - "Hide on home page" visibility option fixed. * Dev - Code refactoring - `add_settings_hook()` - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom CSS - Description updated. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - General - Description updated. * Tweak - readme.txt - Screenshots updated. * Tweak - Author URI changed. = 2.7.0 - 12/04/2017 = * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - `wcj_get_order_item_meta_info()` - `get_meta_data()` instead of `has_meta()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `wcj_get_order_currency()`. `get_short_description()`. `wcj_get_order_item_meta_info()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Orders - `get_customer_id()`. `wcj_get_order_currency()`. `wcj_get_order_id()`. `get_customer_note()`. `get_billing_phone()`. `wc_get_order_item_meta()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_date]` and `[wcj_order_time]` - `get_date_created()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Products Crowdfunding - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Products - `wc_get_price_including_tax()`. `wc_get_price_excluding_tax()`. `wc_display_product_attributes()`. `wc_get_product_tag_list()`. `get_short_description()`. `get_gallery_image_ids()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_image_url]` - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_categories_urls]` - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_categories_names]` - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_total_sales]` - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` - `get_price` filters replaced. Get parent product ID replaced with `get_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_categories]` - `wc_get_product_category_list()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency for External Products - `product_type` property replaced with `is_type()` function. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - `WCJ_PRODUCT_GET_PRICE_FILTER`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Global Discount - `get_price` filters replaced. `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - `get_price` filters replaced. Get product ID replaced with `get_id()`. `wc_get_formatted_variation()` used. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - `get_price` filters replaced. Get parent product ID replaced with `get_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - `get_price` filters replaced. Get product ID replaced with `get_id()`. `wc_get_formatted_variation()` used. Get parent product ID replaced with `get_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - `get_price` filters; `wcj_get_product_id()`. `woocommerce_clean()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - `WCJ_PRODUCT_GET_PRICE_FILTER`. `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. `wcj_get_product_status()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Price by Formula - `get_price` filters; `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - `get_price` filters replaced. Get parent product ID replaced with `get_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Add to Cart Labels - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`; `product_type` -> `get_type()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Call for Price - `woocommerce_get_price` -> `woocommerce_product_get_price`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`; `wcj_get_product_id()`; `product_type` -> `get_type()`. `woocommerce_price_html` filter changed. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Free Price Labels - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`; "free price" filters; * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Bookings - `WCJ_PRODUCT_GET_PRICE_FILTER`; `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Crowdfunding - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - `WCJ_PRODUCT_GET_PRICE_FILTER`. `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. `wcj_get_product_display_price()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - `get_prices_include_tax()`. `wcj_get_product_formatted_variation()`. `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Product Images - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - "Hide Empty" option for "Shop Page Display Options" and "Category Display Options" (removed from `woocommerce_product_subcategories_args` hook). * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - `wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - SKU - `get_child()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PRODUCTS - Sorting - `woocommerce_clean()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - `wcj_get_order_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - `wcj_get_order_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - `get_customer_ip_address()`. `wcj_get_order_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Country or State - `get_country()` and `get_state()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Currency - `WCJ_PRODUCT_GET_PRICE_FILTER`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - `wcj_get_order_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - `wcj_get_order_id()`; `get_date_created()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - `wcj_get_order_id()`; `woocommerce_order_get_currency`; `wcj_get_order_currency()`; `get_billing_country()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - `get_billing_country()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display & Misc. - `wcj_get_order_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Emails - `wcj_get_order_id()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - Order Meta - Additional check "if `$item_meta_value` is array" added. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Customers from Orders - Functions instead of accessing order properties directly. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Orders - Functions instead of accessing order properties directly. `wcj_get_order_currency()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Products - Functions instead of accessing order properties directly. `wcj_get_product_total_stock()`. `wc_get_price_to_display()` and more. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - EMAILS & MISC. - General - Products Attributes - `wc_get_product_category_list()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Custom Ranges - `wp_create_nonce` added. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Orders - Monthly Sales - `wcj_get_order_currency()`. * Dev - WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Stock - `wcj_get_product_total_stock()`. `wc_get_product_category_list()`. * Dev - Code refactoring - `wcj-price-currency-functions.php` and `wcj-user-roles-functions.php` added. * Dev - Mini-dashboards added to modules categories (instead of displaying the default category module). Modules categories descriptions added. * Dev - Shortcodes - `on_empty` attribute added to all shortcodes. * Dev - Shortcodes - `wcj_shortcode_result` filter added to all shortcodes. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_gallery_image_url]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_cart_items_total_quantity]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_status_label]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `wcj_pdf_invoicing_cell_data` filter added. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - "Migrate from Custom Price Labels (Pro)" tool removed. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Global Custom Price Labels - `textarea` replaced with `custom_textarea`. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Global Custom Price Labels - "Instead of the price" option added. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - More Button Labels - Hook priority changed. Default value for `get_option()` added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - "Always Use cURL" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - "Calculate with Inversion" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Code refactoring. Exchange rates functions moved to separate file. JS "Grab rate" button now works even if module is disabled. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - "Cart and Checkout Behaviour Options" settings section added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - "WooCommerce Bookings" plugin support added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - Empty sale price issue fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - `woocommerce_variation_prices_regular_price` hook. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - `wcj_price_by_country()` - Additional check `0 != $product->variation_id` added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Override Country Options - "Override Scope" option added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Bookings - `wcj-bookings.js` - `_ajax_object`. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - `wcj-product-addons.js` - `_ajax_object`. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Images - "Single Product Thumbnails Columns" - Filter priority changed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Timepicker - "Min time" and "Max time" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Check for enabled fields added in `add_product_input_fields_to_cart_item_data()`. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Check for enabled fields fixed (in `validate_product_input_fields_on_add_to_cart()` and `add_product_input_fields_to_order_item_name()`. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Product Input Fields Global Options - Product Input Fields Number - Tooltip fixed. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - "Hide Empty" option for "Shop Page Display Options" and "Category Display Options" fixed (was giving reverse results). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - "Exclude Categories" option for "Shop Page Display Options" and "Category Display Options" changed from comma separated string to multiselect. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - Query - Fixed (`offset` and `posts_per_page` removed). * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - `WP_Query` optimized to return `ids` only. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - "Generate SKUs Only for Products with Empty SKU" option added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart Customization - Initial module release. And "Hide Coupon on Cart Page" option moved from "General" module. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Custom Fields Number - Tooltip fixed. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Customization - Initial module release. And "Hide "Order Again" Button on "View Order" Page" option moved from "General" module. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - `eu-vat-number.js` - `_ajax_object`. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Shipping - Initial module release. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Fees and Discounts - Code refactoring. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Fees and Discounts - "Multicurrency (Currency Switcher)" module support added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - "Number Generation" selection added (and "Pseudorandom - Hash (max 10 digits)" option). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Default values added to all `get_option()` calls. Code cleaned up. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Orders Auto-Complete - `woocommerce_payment_complete` hook added. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Custom Shipping (legacy and with zones) - `woocommerce_shipping_init` hook replaced with `init` hook. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Multiple custom documents added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom CSS - Initial module release. CSS options moved from "General" module. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - "Product Info in Item Name" options added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "URL Coupons" options added. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Orders - Product Sales - "year not set" notice fixed. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Booster: More Ranges - "Same Days Last Year" option added. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` class code refactoring - `add_settings_hook()` function added (18 modules). * Dev - Code refactoring - `wcj_add_change_price_hooks()` function added. * Dev - Code refactoring - `wcj_add_change_price_hooks()` - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher). * Dev - Code refactoring - `wcj_add_change_price_hooks()` - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price. * Dev - Code refactoring - `wcj_add_change_price_hooks()` - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role. * Dev - Code refactoring - `wcj_add_change_price_hooks()` - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country. * Dev - Code refactoring - `wcj_add_change_price_hooks()` - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Price by Formula. * Tweak - Dashboard - Modules count (all and active) added. * Tweak - Tooltip for admin added to all "Module Tools" sections. * Tweak - Language (POT) file updated. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Crowdfunding - Module description updated. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - Description updated. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Products per Page - Description updated. * Tweak - CART & CHECKOUT - Mini Cart - Module renamed to "Mini Cart Custom Info". Description updated. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - Moved to "CART & CHECKOUT" category. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - Products XML - Moved to "PRODUCTS" category. = 2.6.0 - 02/03/2017 = * Dev - Dashboard - Manage Settings - Restyled. * Dev - Dashboard - Manage Settings - "Autoload Booster's Options" option added. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box` - Fixed `selected` for multiple `select`. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box` - `custom_attributes` added to `select`. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box` - Table restyled. * Dev - German (`de_DE`) translation added. * Dev - `output_custom_textarea` - Tooltip added. * Dev - Compatibility issue fixed (`morewoooptions`). * Dev - Shortcodes - `strip_tags` attribute added to all shortcodes. * Dev - Shortcodes - `find` and `replace` attributes now accept comma separated lists. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_current_datetime]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_current_time]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_current_date]` - `current_time( 'timestamp' )` added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_current_timestamp]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `order_user_roles` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_customer_user_roles]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_customer_user]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - "product_regular_price_multiply_qty" and "product_sale_price_multiply_qty" columns added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_author]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_author_avatar]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_author_link]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_author_link_all_posts]` shortcode added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - cURL fallback added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - JS replaced with AJAX from "Grab rate" button. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - "Exchange Rates Server" selection added (and new "European Central Bank (ECB)" and "TCMB" options/servers). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - "Exchange Rates Offset" options added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Check for "not `manual`" is added when creating currency pairs list. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - Fallback to `$_REQUEST['product_id']` added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Global Discount - Product Scope - "Only products that are not on sale" option added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Adding default values to `get_option` calls. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - "Make Pretty Price" option added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - All prices minimum values in backend set to zero. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - Grammar errors ("to" replaced with "too") fixed. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - Frontend Template - Replacement values added: `%min_price_simple%`, `%max_price_simple%`, `%default_price_simple%`, `%min_price%`, `%max_price%`, `%default_price%`. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - "Frontend Input Price Step" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - "Frontend Input Placeholder" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - "Frontend Input Style" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - Minimum frontend input value set to backend's minimum or zero (if not set). Maximum - set to backend's maximum. "Enable JS Min/Max Validation" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Price by Formula - "Enable Price Calculation By Formula For All Products" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Add to Cart Button Disabling - "Disable Add to Cart Buttons on All Single Product Pages" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Add to Cart Button Disabling - "Disable Add to Cart Buttons on All Category/Archives Pages" option added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Add to Cart on Visit - Hook changed to `wp` (fixes the issue with PHP notice regarding cookies already set). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Add to Cart on Visit - "Per Product" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - "Replace Add to Cart Button on Archives with Single" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - Admin Orders List Custom Columns - "Purchase Cost" column added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - "Treat Variable Products as Simple Products" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Info - `textarea` replaced with `custom_textarea` in "Content" fields. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - Optional `woocommerce_is_purchasable` and `pre_get_posts` filters added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Products per Page - Default value changed. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Products per Page - `PHP_EOL` issue fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Products per Page - Initial module release (moved from Product Listings). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Related Products - "Relate by Product Attribute" options section added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Related Products - "Relate Manually" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Related Products - Order by "Meta Value" and "Meta Value (Numeric)" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Related Products - `woocommerce_related_products_columns` filter added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Related Products - "Delete Products Transients" link added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Sorting - Code refactoring: "Remove All Sorting" section moved to the bottom; description updated. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Sorting - Remove All Sorting - "Empty template" method added (for maximum compatibility); `init` hook replaced with `wp_loaded`. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Sorting - "Rearrange Sorting" section added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Sorting - "Default WooCommerce Sorting" section added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - `is_visible()` - `wcj_checkout_custom_field_always_visible_on_empty_cart` filter added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Info - "Order Received (Thank You) page" position added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Min/Max - "Notices on Checkout" options section added. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Tool - Add - Checking for duplicate default WooCommerce status added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Tool - "Edit" custom status button added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - "Add Custom Statuses to Admin Order List Action Buttons" options added. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Minimum Amount - `calculate_totals()` function call added before getting cart totals. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Minimum Amount - If needed, minimum order amount recalculated by "Multicurrency (Currency Switcher)" module. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - "Enable Order Admin Search by Custom Number" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Admin Orders List Columns Order - Filter priority changed. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Custom Shipping with Zones - Weight Table Total Rows - Adding table rows on hook instead of in `init` function. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Custom Shipping with Zones - `calculate_shipping()` - `get_rate_id()` added (this fixes the issue with only one custom shipping method appearing at the frontend). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Shipping Icons - "Icon Visibility" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Shipping Descriptions - "Description Visibility" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - "Free Shipping by Product" settings section added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - "PHP Time Limit" option added. And "Admin Tools" module moved to the first position in main file's `include_modules()` function. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - `validate_vat_no_soap()` - Country code lowercase not validated bug fixed. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - JS fixed (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/incomplete-refresh-of-checkout-after-leaving-the-billing_eu_vat_number-input/). * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - "Add EU VAT Number Summary Metabox to Order Edit Page" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - "Progress Messages" options added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Orders Items - `wcj_export_orders_items_fields` filter added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Orders Items - `get_post_meta()` replaced with `safely_get_post_meta()`. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Products - "Variable Products" option added (and "Parent Product ID" field added). * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - General Checkout Options - "Hide "Order Again" Button on "View Order" Page" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - General Cart Options - "Hide Coupon on Cart Page" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Products XML - `strip_tags="yes"` added to all shortcodes in default item template. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Products XML - "Products Scope" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Products XML - `do_shortcode` added to XML header and footer. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Products XML - "Recent file was created on ..." info added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Products XML - "Products/Categories/Tags to Include/Exclude" options added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Products XML - "Advanced: Block Size" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Booster: Product Sales - "Include taxes" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Booster: Product Sales - "Display item sales" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Booster: Product Sales - "Display sales sum" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Booster: Product Sales - "Display profit" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Booster: Product Sales - "Filter by product title" moved to "gather product data" section. * Tweak - Link to Booster's GitHub repository added to readme.txt. * Tweak - Language (POT) file updated. * Tweak - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Free Price Labels - Documentation link updated. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Related Products - Admin settings divided in sections. * Tweak - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart - Module renamed to "Cart Custom Info". Documentation link updated. * Tweak - CART & CHECKOUT - Empty Cart Button - Description updated. * Tweak - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Left to Free Shipping - Admin descriptions added to "Content" fields. = 2.5.9 - 19/12/2016 = * Dev - `WCJ_Module` - "Reset settings" button now uses JS confirmation; `wp_safe_redirect` added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `columns` - `item_meta` column added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `quantity_prefix` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_in_words]` - `LT` - Lithuanian language function added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_in_words]` - `BG` - not including national currency; Upper-case for first letter. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Add Countries Flags Images to Select Drop-Down Box - Flag image missing bug fixed. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Free Price Labels - Initial module release. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - Checking if order prices included taxes, when calculating "Profit" column. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - "Do not create if order total equals zero" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - "Export Orders Items" tool added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - "Filter by All Fields" added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - "Download XML" button added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Code refactoring. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Customers - New customer fields added: "Login", "Nicename", "URL", "Registered", "Display Name". * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Customers - "Export Customers Fields" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Customers from Orders - `WP_Query` optimized to return `ids` only. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Customers from Orders - "Export Customers from Orders Fields" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Customers from Orders - New fields added: "Billing Company", "Billing Address 1", "Billing Address 2", "Billing City", "Billing State", "Billing Postcode", "Billing Country", "Billing Phone". * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Orders - "Additional Export Orders Fields" options added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Orders - Corresponding data is gathered only if "Order Items" or "Order Items Product Input Fields" columns are enabled. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Orders - Item meta info added to "Order Items" column. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Products - New product fields added: "Price Including Tax", "Price Excluding Tax", "Display Price", "Average Rating", "Rating Count", "Review Count", "Categories", "Tags", "Dimensions", "Formatted Name", "Availability", "Availability Class". * Tweak - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `get_meta_info` - replaced with `wcj_get_order_item_meta_info()`. * Tweak - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Left to Free Shipping - Description updated. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Divided settings into separate sections. * Tweak - Filters renamed. = 2.5.8 - 09/12/2016 = * Fix - `wcj_current_filter_priority()` modified for compatibility with WordPress since v4.7. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_get_left_to_free_shipping]` - `multiply_by` attribute added (and to `wcj_get_left_to_free_shipping()` function). * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_customer_billing_country]`, `[wcj_customer_shipping_country]`, `[wcj_customer_meta]` shortcodes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_function]` - `implode()` added in case if returned value is an array. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_coupons]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `item_name` and `item_variation` - `variation_as_metadata` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `item_name` and `item_variation` - Using `get_formatted_variation_attributes` instead of `wc_get_formatted_variation`. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - Compatibility - "WooCommerce TM Extra Product Options" plugin. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_excerpt]` - Function simplified by using `get_the_excerpt( $post_id )` directly (available since WordPress v4.5). However there is reported bug (see https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/36934). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - "Rounding" and "Rounding Precision" options added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price Formats - "WPML Language Code" option added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - "PRODUCTS to hide this field", "CATEGORIES to hide this field" and "TAGS to hide this field" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - Functionality to always return `true` in `is_visible` on empty cart (`wcj_checkout_files_always_visible_on_empty_cart` filter) added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Left to Free Shipping - Initial module release (moved from Shipping module). * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Email Options - Attach PDF to emails - "Admin - Failed Order", "Customer - On-Hold Order", "Customer - Note", "Customer - New Account", "Customer - Reset Password" options added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display & Misc. - Admin order list columns are sortable now. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - "Show Order Meta" and "Show Product Meta" options added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Booster: Product Sales - "Last Sale" and "Total Sum" columns added. * Tweak - Language (POT) file updated. * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Price by Country on per Product Basis - Description updated. * Tweak - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - `wcj_price_labels_check_on_applying_label` filter added. * Tweak - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - `wcj_price_labels_woocommerce_get_price_html_allowed_post_types` filter added. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - General - Typo fixed in description. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Booster: Product Sales - "No sales data for current period" message added. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Booster: Product Sales - Link to two years back added. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Booster: Product Sales - "Filter" button renamed to "Filter products". = 2.5.7 - 27/11/2016 = * Fix - `load_plugin_textdomain` moved from `init` hook to constructor (fixes the issue with module titles, descriptions not translating). * Fix - `class-wcj-currency-reports.php` - `filter_reports` is now applied on `wc-reports` page only. * Dev - `unclean_custom_textarea()` added. * Dev - Made "Booster Tools" accessible to shop manager. * Dev - Shortcodes - `find` and `replace` attributes added to all shortcodes. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_wholesale_price_table]` - `%level_max_qty%` replace value added to `heading_format` attribute. `%level_qty%` marked as deprecated (`%level_min_qty%` should be used instead). * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_total_weight]` replaced with `[wcj_order_total_weight]`. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_width]`, `[wcj_order_total_height]` and `[wcj_order_total_length]` shortcodes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `item_image_width` and `item_image_height` replaced with `product_image_width` and `product_image_height`. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `columns` - Added to all appropriate `item_` columns: `product_name`, `product_attribute`, `product_excerpt`, `product_short_description`, `product_variation`, `product_thumbnail`, `product_sku`, `product_weight`. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `columns` - `product_length`, `product_width` and `product_height` columns added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `item_short_description` - now displays item's short description (may be different from `item_excerpt`). `item_description` attribute removed. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `columns` - `product_regular_price` and `product_sale_price` columns added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `columns` - `item_tax_class` column added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_price_excluding_tax]` and `[wcj_product_price_including_tax]` - `multiply_by` attribute added. And both functions code refactored. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_excerpt]` - Manually checking for short description first (so `length` can be applied). * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_excerpt]` - `excerpt_length` attribute deprecated (replaced with `length`). * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_short_description]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_url]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_image_url]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_categories_names]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_categories_urls]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_meta]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` - `%level_max_qty%` replace value added to `heading_format` attribute. `%level_qty%` marked as deprecated (`%level_min_qty%` should be used instead). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Global Discount - Initial module release. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Compatibility - "WooCommerce TM Extra Product Options" plugin. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - "Search Engine Bots" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Global settings discount now can be negative. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Per product - "Price directly" option added (for non variable products only). * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Call for Price - "Make All Products Call for Price" option added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - User Products - "My Account > Products" fixed. * Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - Enable for shipping methods - Empty method title bug fixed. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Custom Statuses tool - Empty array passed on apply `wc_order_statuses` filter (produced PHP warning). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Minimum Amount - Initial module release (moved from Orders module). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - "Admin Orders List Columns Order" section added. Priorities in all Booster's added `manage_edit-shop_order_columns` filters changed. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - "Admin Orders List Multiple Status" section added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Custom Shipping with Zones - "Min Weight" and "Max Weight" options added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Calculator - "Labels" settings section added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - "Generate" and "Download" bulk actions added to admin orders list. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Invoices Report tool - `get_invoices_report_data()` - `WP_Query` optimized to return `ids` only. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Invoices Report tool - "Download monthly documents CSV" added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - "System Info" table added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - "PHP Memory Limit" option added. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - Preserve VAT in Base Country - `EL` replaced with `GR` for Greece when checking location. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - Validate VAT without SOAP fallback added (`validate_vat_no_soap` function). * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - "UTF-8 BOM" option added. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Orders - "Order Date" column fixed. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Orders - "Order Time" column added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Products - Stock - `get_stock_quantity()` replaced with `get_total_stock()`. Separate "Stock Quantity" export field added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Products - Variable and grouped products price, regular price, sale price, stock quantity and total stock for each variation added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Products - "Additional Export Products Fields" section added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Products - "Export Products Fields" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Products - "Image URL", "Short Description", "Description", "Status", "URL", "Shipping Class", "Shipping Class Id", "Width", "Length", "Height", "Weight", "Downloadable", "Virtual", "Sold Individually", "Tax Status", "Tax Class", "Manage Stock", "Stock Status", "Backorders", "Featured" and "Visibility" export fields added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Products - `WP_Query` optimized to return `ids` only. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Session Expiration Options" section added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Products XML - Initial module release. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Booster: Product Sales - Variations added in report. * Tweak - Deprecated typo fixed. * Tweak - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box()` - `wcj_get_meta_box_options_type_price_step` filter added. * Tweak - `wcj_get_table_html()` - "row_styles" parameter added. * Tweak - Language (POT) file updated. * Tweak - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_excerpt]` - Using `product_excerpt_length` object property instead of global variable. * Tweak - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` - `wcj_product_wholesale_price_table_price_before` and `wcj_product_wholesale_price_table_price_after` filters added. * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - `change_price_by_role()` - `wcj_price_by_user_role_get_price` filter added. * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - `get_wholesale_price()` - `price_directly` - `wcj_get_wholesale_price` filter added. * Tweak - CART & CHECKOUT - Empty Cart Button - Description updated. * Tweak - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Custom Statuses tool - User messages updated. * Tweak - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Custom Statuses tool - "Add new custom status" button label added to translation. * Tweak - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Custom Shipping - "Weight Table Total Rows" option description updated. * Tweak - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Invoices Report tool - `get_invoices_report_zip()` - Headers cleaned up. * Tweak - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Invoices Report tool - Calling `get_tool_header_html()` instead of directly outputting header. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Tool header added to all export tools. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Headers cleaned up. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Button restyled in admin settings. = 2.5.6 - 29/09/2016 = * Dev - Functions - `wcj_get_product_input_fields()` - `unserialize()` added for serialized values. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_wholesale_price_table]` - `hide_if_zero_quantity` and `table_format` attributes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_payment_method_transaction_id]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_shipping_price]`, `[wcj_order_total_excl_tax]` code refactoring. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_excl_shipping]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_status]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_function]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - Crowdfunding - `get_product_orders_data()` - `WP_Query` optimized to return `ids` only. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - Crowdfunding - `get_product_orders_data()` - Grouped products support added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` - `hide_if_zero_quantity` and `table_format` attributes added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - Default WooCommerce currency added to metabox (and to module's settings). * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - `add_hooks()` moved to `init` hook. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Sorting by price support added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - "Override Country Options" - "Override Country with Customer's Checkout Shipping Country" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - "Recalculate price filter widget product prices" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Multicurrency Base Product price is calculated in Price by Country Price Filter widget. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - "Search Engine Bots" option added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - Decimal numbers now allowed in default, min and max prices metabox. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - "Add to Cart Button AJAX" section added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - "Add to Cart Button Custom URL" section added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Addons tax display fixed (`get_display_price()` function). * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - PHP 7 fix regarding "changes to the handling of indirect variables, properties, and methods" (http://php.net/manual/en/migration70.incompatible.php#migration70.incompatible.variable-handling.indirect). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Admin Order Page - Hide all addons" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Addon in Cart Format" and "Addon in Order Details Table Format" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - "Profit" column - Now calculating profit for all orders statuses except cancelled, refunded or failed. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - Checking all user's roles (not only first one). * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - "Add to Thank You page" and "Add to My Account page" fixed (before was putting all fields even if only one was enabled). * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - "Form Template Options" section added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - "No files uploaded" message added to admin's order edit page. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - Minimum order amount - When checking cart total now excludes fees (including "Gateways Fees and Discounts" module's fees/discounts). * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - Minimum order amount - Checking if cart total is not empty (this fixes the issue with "Gateways Fees and Discounts" module). * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - Restriction on max number (was 10) of custom payment gateways removed (using objects instead of class names in `woocommerce_payment_gateways` hook). * Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Country or State - Additional check added to `available_payment_gateways()` function. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Default order statuses moved from constructor to separate function. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - "Admin Order Currency" section added. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Custom Shipping (without Zones) - PHP 7 fix regarding "changes to the handling of indirect variables, properties, and methods" (http://php.net/manual/en/migration70.incompatible.php#migration70.incompatible.variable-handling.indirect). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Custom Shipping with Zones added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Custom Shipping - Restriction on max number (was 10) of custom shipping methods removed (using objects instead of class names in `woocommerce_shipping_methods` hook). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - "Shipping Descriptions" section added. Settings moved to `init` hook. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - "Shipping Icons" section added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display - "Save as" disabled by default. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Added `die` after `generate_pdf_on_init`. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - `woocommerce_cli_create_order`, `kco_before_confirm_order` and `woocommerce_checkout_order_processed` hooks added (duplicates `woocommerce_new_order` hook). * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - Custom Emails - Shortcode are now working in subject. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - Custom Emails - "Low stock notification", "No stock notification", "Product on backorder notification", "Created customer notification" triggers added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - Custom Emails - Settings field type `custom_textarea` added (this lets save HTML without removing any tags). * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Orders - Loop modified to return posts ids only. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Orders - "Order Items Product Input Fields" column added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Orders - "Export Orders Fields" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - `WP_Query` optimized to return `ids` only. * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - Metabox tooltip added. * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - "If show discount info on cart page is enabled, set format here" option description tip added. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - "Add to Cart Button" section renamed to "Add to Cart Button Disabling". * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - Description fixed. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - Tooltip added to metabox (product edit page). * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - Link and description fixed. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Sorting - Unnecessary `global $woocommerce` removed. * Tweak - Language (POT) file updated. = 2.5.5 - 20/08/2016 = * Fix - `WCJ_Module` - `colspan` fixed in `create_meta_box()` function. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box` - `custom_attributes` and `tooltip` options added. * Fix - Functions - `wcj_get_rocket_icon()` fixed. * Dev - Shortcodes - `not_location` attribute added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_tax_by_class]` - Tax rounding per line bug fixed. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - Additional `column_param` "not empty" check on `item_key` column. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `item_attribute` column added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_meta]` - `unique_only` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_length]`, `[wcj_product_width]`, `[wcj_product_height]` shortcodes added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - "Show Roles on per Product Settings" option added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Additional check in `get_customer_country_group_id()`. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Country Switcher Widget - "Replace with currency" option added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Variable products fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Per product - Plus version message fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Per product - Discount fixed to include decimal numbers. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - "Additional User Roles Options" section added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Settings moved to `init` hook. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Crons max time limit increased to 5 sec. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Next rates update time info added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Price by Formula - `do_shortcode` added to formula and params. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - "Role Defaults" section added (changes made to switcher shortcodes also). * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - "Product Types - Include" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - "Automatically Generate SKU for New Products" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - "Add SKU to Customer Emails" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Tooltip" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Default" and "Is required" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Radio" type added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - Settings removed from WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - Settings moved to `init` hook. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - "TAX Display Prices in the Shop" section added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - No sanitization for `select` and `radio` values. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - Initial module release. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - "Attach Files to Emails" options added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - "Exclude Shipping from Cart Total" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - "Use MySQL Transaction" defaults to `yes` now. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - `woocommerce_api_create_order` hook added (duplicates `woocommerce_new_order` hook). * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - Custom Emails - `woocommerce_new_order` hook replaced with `woocommerce_checkout_order_processed` hook - this will fix issues with empty shortcodes. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Orders - "Order Items" and "Order Notes" columns added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Orders - "Filter by Billing Country" and "Filter by Product Title" options added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Orders - "Order Total Tax" column added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export Orders - "Order Currency" added as separate column. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Export "CSV Separator" option added. * Tweak - Tooltip added for `custom_number` admin settings. * Tweak - Contributors changed. * Tweak - Modules renamed: User Products, Product Visibility by Country. = 2.5.4 - 19/07/2016 = * Fix - Manage Settings - Import - New line issue fixed. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_country_select_drop_down_list]` - `replace_with_currency` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_tax_by_class]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_by_tax_class]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_subtotal_by_tax_class]` shortcode added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - Crowdfunding - `get_product_orders_data()` - WooCommerce loop fixed. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_time_since_last_sale]` WooCommerce loop fixed. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_crowdfunding_time_remaining_progress_bar]` fixed. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_crowdfunding_goal]`, `[wcj_product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining]`, `[wcj_product_total_orders_sum]` fixed (and `hide_currency` attribute added). * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_list_attributes]` fixed. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_total_sales]` - `hide_if_zero` and `offset` attributes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_time_since_last_sale]` attributes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - Crowdfunding - Code refactoring - moved to separate file. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Getting `customer_country_group_id` on every `get_customer_country_group_id()` function call. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - `add_hooks()` function moved from `init` hook to constructor. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - "Add Flags Images to Select Drop-Down Box" option added (`[wcj_country_select_drop_down_list]` shortcode). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - "Products to exclude" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product by User - Messages options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product by User - Fields ids; `label` tags added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product by User - Fields (all except Image field) refilled when validate returns false and after product successfully added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product by User - "Require Unique Title" option added. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - Started using WooCommerce customer `set_is_vat_exempt()` function. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - AJAX call fixed. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Export - Initial module release (all tools moved from General module). * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - Export Orders tool - Order number, status, item count, total, payment method, billing and shipping info columns added. * Tweak - Tags in plugin description and contributors changed. = 2.5.3 - 04/07/2016 = * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_refunded]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_taxes_html]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_meta]` shortcode added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - "Logging" option removed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Price Filter widget fixed. `woocommerce_currency_symbol` hook moved from `init` hook to constructor. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - Class functions replaced with global functions. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Bookings - "Hide Quantity Selector" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - "Open External Products on Add to Cart in New Window" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Initial module release. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product by User - Settings moved to `init` hook. This caused "wp-admin show white screen and no errors" on some servers (or "Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() in ..." message if debug enabled). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product by User - Class functions replaced with global functions. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - "Products per Page" options added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - `output_custom_input_fields_in_admin_order()` for shipping bug fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - "Allow Duplicate SKUs" option added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by User Role - Initial module release. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - "Custom Columns" options added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Settings moved to `init` hook. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Order Minimum Amount - "By user role" options added. All order minimum amount hooks moved to `init` action. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Hide if free is available - Fixed to work with WooCommerce since version 2.6.0. "Hide local delivery when free is available" option removed. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Left to Free Shipping - Fixed to work with WooCommerce since version 2.6.0. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Invoices Report - Added "Refunds" column to the table. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - Custom Emails - `do_shortcode` added to custom email recipient. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Export Products" tool added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Add/Manage Custom Roles" tool moved from "Price by User Role" module. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Monthly Sales - Major code refactoring. New data added. * Tweak - Rating message added. * Tweak - Module's documentation button on new line. * Tweak - Deprecated module message updated. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Module description updated. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product by User - Module and admin settings descriptions updated. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Info - Moved to EMAILS & MISC. Renamed to "Product Info V1". "Product Info V2" renamed to "Product Info". = 2.5.2 - 21/06/2016 = * Dev - "Manage Settings" functionality added. * Dev - `wcj_add_files_upload_form_to_checkout_frontend` function added. * Dev - `include_modules` function code refactoring. * Fix - Cart `calculate_totals()` added on `wp_loaded` to fix mini cart currency and price issues. * Dev - Shortcodes - `module` (and `module_name`) attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - `visibility` attribute modified. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_fees_tax]` and `[wcj_order_total_fees_incl_tax]` - using `get_line_tax()` instead of calculating taxes manually - that should fix the issue with wrong taxes rounding. * Dev - Shortcodes - General and Products - `[wcj_wholesale_price_table]` and `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` - Table class added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` - Price tax bug fixed. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` - `price_row_format` attribute added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - "Logging" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - Initial module release. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - Removed from currency reports. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - "Revert Currency to Default on Checkout" option added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Loading core on `admin-ajax.php` (caused issue in mini cart). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - "Make Empty Price" option added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - `change_price_by_role_shipping()` fixed (produced an error if price by user role for shipping was disabled). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price Formats - Initial module release. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Old price taxes fixed when displaying in cart. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Bookings - `is_product` and `is_bookings_product` checks added to `enqueue_scripts` function. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Bookings - "Labels and Messages" settings added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - "Disable Quantity Field for All Products" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Disable Add to Cart Button (on Single Product Page and/or Loop) options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product by User - Initial module release. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Images - Per product "Hide" options added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Images - Meta boxes added only if section is enabled. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - "File: Max size" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - `do_shortcode` added to custom tab titles. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - Sequential number generation option added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - Custom input fields (and `[wcj_input_field]` shortcode) added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Custom Shipping - "By Total Cart Weight Table" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - "Left to free shipping" - `do_shortcode` added to all messages. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Custom icon and icon color options added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - "Enable Order Tracking by Custom Number" option added. * Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - `SetTitle` fixed. * Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display & Misc. - Action buttons icons changed. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display & Misc. - Confirmation request added to the delete and create buttons. * Fix - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Report Tool - Querying by document date instead of order date. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "PayPal Email per Product" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - Option ("Display") to append EU VAT number to order and my account billing addresses added. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - `woocommerce_matched_rates` filter changed to `woocommerce_find_rates` - this fixes the issue with shipping tax not exempting. * Tweak - "Unlock all" link modified. * Tweak - "No active modules found." message added. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Images - Module settings rearranged. * Tweak - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Numbering - Fields width and order modified. * Tweak - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Templates - "Available Shortcodes" info section modified. = 2.5.1 - 24/05/2016 = * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Price by Formula - No more using `namespace` (as it required PHP 5 >= 5.3.0). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - "Frontend Template" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - get_customer_country_by_ip() - Check for if `WC_Geolocation` class exists added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `item_weight` column added. = 2.5.0 - 23/05/2016 = * Dev - Multisite support added. * Dev - `is_super_admin()` replaced with `wcj_is_user_role()`. * Dev - "Plugin renamed..." notice (`name_changed_notice`) removed. * Fix - Translations - Translation domain fixed (in `jetpack_menu()`). * Dev - Translations - Text domain added to the plugin header. * Dev - Translations - POT file updated. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box()` and `save_meta_box()` - `title` option type added. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box()` - `multiple` attribute added to `select` type option. * Dev - Functions - `wcj_get_current_currency_code()` function added. * Dev - Functions - `wcj_get_currency_exchange_rate()` function added. * Dev - Widgets - Multicurrency Switcher - "module not enabled" message added. * Dev - Widgets - Country Switcher - "module not enabled" and "wrong configuration" messages added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - Fixed for deleted products. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `item_name` and `item_variation` - Variation data fixed (`pa_` removed and `urlencode` added). * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `item_name` - `style_item_name_variation` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `debug` column added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_in_words]` - Bulgarian language (`lang="BG"`) added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `get_product_orders_data` - `total_orders` fixed. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `get_product_orders_data` - `offset` shortcodes attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `get_product_orders_data` and `[wcj_product_time_since_last_sale]` - Query by blocks. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining_progress_bar]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_crowdfunding_time_remaining_progress_bar]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_total_orders_items]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `date_i18n` added to `[wcj_product_crowdfunding_startdate]` and `[wcj_product_crowdfunding_deadline]`. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Price by Formula - Initial module release. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by User Role - Initial module release. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Now rounding applies to global (not per product) conversions only. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Additional check in `get_customer_country_group_id()` to prevent PHP notice on empty value. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - `get_variation_prices_hash()` - Variable products main price fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Support for grouped products added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - "Customer Country Detection Method" changed from "by user selection" to "by IP, then by user selection". * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - `get_customer_country_group_id()` - Not recalculating `customer_country_group_id` - works faster now. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - `get_variation_prices_hash()` - Variable products main price fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Empty price bug fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Support for grouped products added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - "Revert Currency to Default on Checkout" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - `add_hooks()` moved from `init` hook to constructor. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - Support for grouped products added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - `get_variation_prices_hash()` - Variable products main price fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - `post__not_in` added to `save_meta_box_value`. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - `posts_per_page` lowered to query only necessary number of product in `save_meta_box_value`. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - `disable_add_to_cart_ajax` added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Mini cart bug fixed. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Major code refactoring. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Per product functionality added. * Fix - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Products query is made by blocks now (`wcj_get_products()`). * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - `create_migrate_from_custom_price_labels_tool` - Query by blocks. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Bookings - Initial module release. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product by Country - Initial module release. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Info V2 - Products query is made by blocks now (`wcj_get_products()`). * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - Local product tabs number field set to min zero (instead of one). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - "Emails Options" added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Add to Cart Variable Product - Display Radio Buttons Instead of Drop Box - `label` tag added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - "Add to Thank You page" and "Add to My Account page" options added. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Empty Cart Button - "Wrapping DIV style" option fixed in free version. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Empty Cart Button - "Button position on the Checkout page" option added. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - `add_custom_order_and_account_fields_to_admin_order_display`. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Field ID display added to module's settings page. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - "Add All Fields to Order Received Page" option added. * Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways per Product or Category - Products query is made by blocks now (`wcj_get_products()`). * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Fees and Discounts - Compatibility with PayPal Express added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - `renumerate_orders` - Query by blocks. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Old Slugs - `$wpdb->prefix` fix. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - `gather_orders_data` - Fixed for deleted products (caused PHP notice). * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - `gather_products_data` - Query by blocks. * Tweak - Admin Modules Menu - "Shipping" module set to default in SHIPPING & ORDERS category. * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - Documentation link added. * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - Documentation link added. * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency for External Products - Documentation link added. * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Bulk Price Converter - Documentation link added. * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Reset button added. * Tweak - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Description updated. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Crowdfunding - Reset button added. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Info - Documentation link added. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Info V2 - Documentation link added. * Tweak - CART & CHECKOUT - Empty Cart Button - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Currency - Documentation link added. * Tweak - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Fees and Discounts - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Icons - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Min/Max - Documentation link added. * Tweak - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Country or State - Documentation link added. * Tweak - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Module description updated. * Tweak - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Documentation link added. * Tweak - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - Booster WPML - Documentation link added. Short description updated. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - Documentation link added. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - Description updated. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - Documentation link added. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - Old Slugs - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Documentation link added. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - Documentation link added. * Tweak - EMAILS & MISC. - General - Documentation link added. = 2.4.8 - 04/05/2016 = * Dev - Widgets - "Booster - Country Switcher" widget added. * Dev - Currency reports added to Multicurrency and Gateways Currency modules. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box` - `select` type added. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box` now takes option default value if no post meta is set. * Dev - `wcj_product_id_for_shortcode` added to products shortcodes and to Custom Price Labels module. * Fix - Admin module dashboard - Version display fixed. * Dev - Documentation link and button link modified according to Google URL standards. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_wholesale_price_table]` shortcode added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `item_key` column - `maybe_unserialize` added (this fixes displaying file type product input fields). * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_fees_tax]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_fees_incl_tax]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_custom_field]` shortcode added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` - Columns styles fixed (now works for more than three levels). * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` - Fix for variable products with same min and max prices. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` - `add_price_row` shortcode parameter added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - Fixed for variable products if min and max are equal (in `[wcj_product_price]` shortcode). * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - Now accepting *product variation* id as `product_id` attribute. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - Variable products support added to `[wcj_product_price_excluding_tax]` and `[wcj_product_price_including_tax]` shortcodes. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency - Shipping (taxable) calculation fixed. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency Product Base Price - Initial module release. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - Initial module release. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Bug with "PayPal Express Checkout" fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Add to Cart Variable Product - "Display Radio Buttons Instead of Drop Box" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - Custom Price Fields options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Info V2 - Single product page add to cart hooks added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - "Use Visual Editor" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - In variable products now counting *all* variations instead of only *available*. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - "Conditional visibility by selected product (in cart)" option added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - "Admin Title Custom Gateway" options added. * Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Currency - Shipping conversion added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - "Message on Free Shipping Reached" option added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Custom shipping added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Styling - Three Thai fonts added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - Advanced Options - "Disable Saving PDFs in PHP directory for temporary files" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Export Customers" tool added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Export Customers" tool renamed to "Export Customers from Orders". * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Export Orders" tool added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Monthly Sales - `set_time_limit` increased. `show_rates` added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Monthly Sales - "Average / Day" row added. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - Custom Emails - Custom statuses added to custom emails actions. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - Custom Emails - Shortcodes can now be used in templates. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - Custom Emails - "Admin Title Custom Email" options added. * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currencies - Documentation link added. * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Documentation link added. "Currency Switcher" added to the module name. * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Documentation link added. Reset button added. "Countries Selection" default set to "Chosen select". * Tweak - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Documentation link added. * Tweak - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Add to Cart Labels - Metabox title renamed. * Tweak - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Metabox title renamed. * Tweak - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - More Button Labels - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Crowdfunding - Documentation link added. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Images - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Documentation link added. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Metabox title renamed. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - Documentation link added. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - Documentation link added. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Related Products - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - SKU - Documentation link added. * Tweak - PRODUCTS - Sorting - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - Documentation link added. * Tweak - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Address Formats - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Tweak - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Documentation link added. = 2.4.7 - 19/04/2016 = * Dev - Fixing plugin's performance issue - Version (`booster_for_woocommerce_version`) parameter added. * Dev - `source` parameter added to documentation link (module and dashboard). * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - File type field - Admin order view (order details) - Check for not empty file name added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Datepicker/Weekpicker - Year selector and year range options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - Product edit metabox renamed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - Per product tabs - Styling (in admin product edit) changed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - Per product tabs - Default title/priority/content/conditional visibility by products/categories/tags options added. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - Fixed wrong "is required" validation when field is disabled. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - Settings field type changed from `text` to `textarea` (in all notice and main label fields). * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - Files info added to order details and emails. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - Conditional visibility by products/categories/tags options added. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Name instead of value in order details and admin order view for select and radio type fields. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Datepicker/Weekpicker - Year selector and year range options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Documentation link added. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Info - Priority bug fixed. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Info - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways per Product or Category - Additional check added in `filter_available_payment_gateways_per_category` function. This is fixing compatibility issue with "WooCommerce Subscriptions" plugin. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways per Product or Category - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Reset buttons added to all submodules. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Documentation link added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display & Misc. - "Actions" buttons added (and column buttons removed). * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Page Settings - Page Format - Options added. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - "Invoices Report" tool - Buttons renamed. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - Unnecessary `woocommerce_checkout_update_order_meta` filter function removed. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - VAT number info added to order details and emails. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - "Available Reports" section in admin's settings modified. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - "Booster: Monthly Sales" added. = 2.4.6 - 07/04/2016 = * Dev - Documentation link added to `WCJ_Module` class. * Dev - Functions - `wcj_current_filter_priority()` function added (affected Checkout Files Upload module). * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Add to Cart Labels - Code refactoring. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Call for Price - Code refactoring. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Listings - Code refactoring. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Info V2 - Priority bug fixed. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - File type field - Admin order view - Check for not empty file name added. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Admin fields edit - Styling bug fixed (full row styling added) and proper select type display added. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart - Priority bug fixed. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart - Documentation link added. Reset button added. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Mini Cart - Priority bug fixed. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Mini Cart - Documentation link added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Calculator - Code refactoring. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Code refactoring. = 2.4.5 - 06/04/2016 = * Dev - `K_TCPDF_THROW_EXCEPTION_ERROR` "is defined" check added to `tcpdf_config.php` file. * Dev - Default type added to `WCJ_Module::create_meta_box()` (works for `text` type). * Fix - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_get_left_to_free_shipping]` bug fixed. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_currency_select_link_list]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_currency_select_radio_list]` shortcode added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_checkout_field]` - `field_id` string conversion added. * Fix - Widgets - Multicurrency Switcher - Default title value set to blank. * Dev - Widgets - Multicurrency Switcher - "Switcher type" options added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Wrong currency in emails bug fixed (again). * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Main price empty (or Call for Price) bug fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - Description tip added to "Variable Products Variations" option. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - File type field - "Leave blank to accept all files" bug fixed. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - File type field - Adding from archive bug fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - "Affiliate commission" optional field added (also affected `WCJ_Product` class). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - Options to enable/disable fields added (also affected functions in `WCJ_Module` and `WCJ_Product` classes). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - `wcj_purchase_data_product_options` and `wcj_get_product_purchase_price` filters added (second filter added to `WCJ_Product` class). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - Variable products support added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - Code refactoring. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Custom fields added to user profile and to checkout page defaults. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Files Upload - Initial module release. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - "New order (Status)" triggers added to custom emails. = 2.4.4 - 23/03/2016 = * Dev - "Booster Currencies Array" (wcj-currencies.php) updated. * Dev - `wcj_get_currencies_names_and_symbols()` and `wcj_get_currency_symbol()` functions modified. * Fix - "http" removed in exchange_rates.js. Fixes bug when loading https. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `item_product_input_fields` and `item_key=` options (columns) added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Shipping (taxable) calculation fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Wrong currency in emails bug fixed (again). * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Autogenerate Groups - `UK` changed to `GB` in `wcj_get_country_currency()`. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - "Countries Selection" admin option added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency for External Products - `change_currency_code()` added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency for External Products - Custom currencies added to the list. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency for External Products - "Reset settings" button added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Bulk Price Converter - "Price type to modify" functionality added to the Bulk Price Converter tool. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Bulk Price Converter - "None" product category added to the Bulk Price Converter tool. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Bulk Price Converter - "Pretty price" functionality added to the Bulk Price Converter tool. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Only enabled modules currencies are added to the list. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - `no_changes` currency bug fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency and Currency Exchange Rates - Currency pairs added to Currency Exchange Rates module. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - WooCommerce Subscription products support added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - "CATEGORIES to HIDE this tab" and "CATEGORIES to SHOW this tab" options added, instead of deprecated "Comma separated CATEGORY IDs..." options. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - "PRODUCTS to HIDE this tab" and "PRODUCTS to SHOW this tab" options added, instead of deprecated "Comma separated PRODUCT IDs..." options. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - "TAGS to HIDE this tab" and "TAGS to SHOW this tab" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - "Reset settings" button added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Country or State - "Include States (Base Country)" and "Exclude States (Base Country)" options added. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - "Left to free shipping" functionality added (including widget and shortcode). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping - Code refactoring. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - "Use MySQL Transaction" option added to admin settings. This will ensure no duplicated order numbers for shops with large number of simultaneous orders (sequential). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - "Orders Renumerate" tool code refactoring. * Fix - PDF Invoicing - Header - "Default Images Directory" option added (`K_PATH_IMAGES` in `tcpdf_config.php`). * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - WPML - wpml-config.xml file updated. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - WPML - "Regenerate wpml-config.xml file" tool optimized for speed. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - WPML - "Regenerate wpml-config.xml file" link fixed. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - WPML - "Regenerate wpml-config.xml file" tool bug fixed. = 2.4.3 - 09/03/2016 = * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Currency - "Reset settings" button added to admin settings. * Fix - "Reset settings" bug fixed. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` class code refactoring. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - Price range for variable products bug fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - Price per product for variable products bug fixed. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency - Initial module release. = 2.4.2 - 04/03/2016 = * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Mini Cart - Code refactoring. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Currency - Code refactoring. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currencies - Custom Currencies - Currency Symbol now can be empty. * Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - Additional checks in `init_wc_gateway_wcj_custom_class()`. = 2.4.1 - 04/03/2016 = * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Discount info on cart page bug fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - Wrong currency in emails bug fixed. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Country - Initial module release. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Min/Max - Initial module release. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - "Illegal offset type in isset or empty in ..." warning fixed. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - WPML - Code refactoring. = 2.4.0 - 10/02/2016 = * Fix - Custom attribute handling in `output_custom_number()` fixed. * Dev - "Reset Module to Default Settings" option added. * Dev - Functions - General - `wcj_is_module_enabled()` function added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_country_select_drop_down_list]` - manual sorting when `countries` attribute is used. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_tax_percent]` fixed. `precision` attribute added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `get_cart_discount()` (deprecated since WooCommerce 2.3) removed from `[wcj_order_items_table]` shortcode (affected if `discount_as_item` option was used); removed from `[wcj_order_total_discount]` shortcode; `[wcj_order_cart_discount]` shortcode removed. * Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_in_words]` - decimal part rounding bug fixed. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_total_in_words]` - `whole` and `decimal` attributes added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `item_short_description` option added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `hide_if_zero` attribute added to Products Shortcodes. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_you_save]` - checking if product is on sale. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_you_save]` - `hide_currency` attribute added. * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_you_save_percent]` - checking if product is on sale. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_you_save_percent]` - `reverse` attribute added. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - New shortcodes added: `[wcj_product_shipping_class]` (returns shipping class *name*, not slug), `[wcj_product_dimensions]`, `[wcj_product_formatted_name]`, `[wcj_product_stock_availability]`, `[wcj_product_tax_class]`, `[wcj_product_average_rating]`, `[wcj_product_categories]`, `[wcj_product_list_attributes]`, `[wcj_product_list_attribute]`, `[wcj_product_stock_quantity]`, `[wcj_product_sale_price]`, `[wcj_product_regular_price]`, `[wcj_product_time_since_last_sale]`, `[wcj_product_price_including_tax]`, `[wcj_product_price_excluding_tax]`, `[wcj_product_available_variations]`; * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - Payment Gateway Currency module now changes prices *after* Price by Country module. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - Variable products fix (error appeared with WooCommerce v2.5.0 update). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currencies - *Custom Currencies* options added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currencies - Code refactoring. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Bulk Price Converter - Code refactoring. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Bulk Price Converter - Option to convert prices by *product category* added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Info - Code refactoring. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Info V2 - Initial module release. Product Info marked as deprecated. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Code refactoring. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Required field sign option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - "time format", "interval" options for Timepicker added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - "First week day" option for Datepicker/Weekpicker added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - "Weekpicker" added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - `add_product_input_fields_to_order_item_name()` fixed. "Item Name Order Table Format" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Datepicker - "date format", "min date" and "max date" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - "Category Suffix" and "Category Prefix" options added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - SKU - Code refactoring (minor). Suffix option unlocked. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - "time format", "interval" options for Timepicker added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - "First week day" option for Datepicker/Weekpicker added. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - "Class" bug fixed. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - "Weekpicker" added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Code refactoring (minor). * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Datepicker - "date format", "min date" and "max date" options added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Currency - "No changes" option added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - "Custom Return URL (Thank You Page)" option added. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Code refactoring. Classes: WCJ_PDF_Invoicing_Page, WCJ_PDF_Invoicing_Styling etc. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - "Hide Settings for Disabled Document Types" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Products Revisions" options section added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - Advanced Options (for handling datepicker and timepicker CSS and JS) added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Disable Booster's Shortcodes" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - `wcj_get_european_union_countries_with_vat()` Romania VAT rate changed from 24% to 20%. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - "Description" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - "Custom Emails" - Triggers added (includes custom order statuses). * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - "Custom Emails" - `%customer%` as recipient added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - PDF Invoices v1 - removed. = 2.3.11 - 29/12/2015 = * Fix - Orders Shortcodes - `[wcj_order_total_tax_percent]` shortcode "rounding bug" fixed. * Fix - PDF Invoicing - "Invoices Report" tool - Tax percent column "rounding bug" fixed. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - "Invoices Report" tool - "Customer VAT ID" column added to invoices reports table. = 2.3.10 - 26/12/2015 = * Dev - `WCJ_Tools` and `WCJ_Module` - Code refactoring (mostly Tools related). Additionally modified modules: Admin Tools, Bulk Price Converter, Custom Price Labels, EU VAT Number, General, Old Slugs, Order Custom Statuses, Order Numbers, PDF Invoicing, SKU. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - "Invoices Report" tool - Code refactoring. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - "Invoices Report" tool - "Document Type" select option added. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - "Invoices Report" tool - "Download all monthly invoices PDFs in single ZIP file" button added. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - "Renumerate Invoices" tool - "End Date" field added. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Display - Admin's "Orders" Page - "Column Title", "Create Button" and "Delete Button" options added. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Display - "Misc." menu renamed to "Display & Misc.". * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Display - Customer's "My Account" Page - "Add link" and "Link text" options unlocked. * Dev - PDF Invoices (v1) marked as "Deprecated". * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - General - Tabs on "Booster Tools" page fixed (caused other module's tools tabs disappear). Info on "Booster Tools Dashboard" page fixed. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - "EU Countries VAT Rates" tool added. * Dev - Donate link removed. = 2.3.9 - 18/12/2015 = * Fix - Shortcodes - `lang` and `not_lang` params PHP notice fixed. * Dev - Shortcodes - `wcj_order_billing_address` filter added. * Fix - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - `wcj_local_price_labels_enabled` defaults to `yes`. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - Per product - Variable products - Admin wrong base currency for variations (taken by admin country), fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - Per product - Variable products - Admin variations "Save Changes" button fix. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - "Autogenerate Groups" option added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Images - All settings will handle HTML now. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart - "Cart Items Table Custom Info" added. * Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - Addition check to prevent PHP notices. * Fix - PDF Invoicing - Display - `remove_query_arg` added. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Styling - "Droid Sans Fallback" font added (can display Chinese). * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Renumerate Invoices Tool - Fixed for operations with large number of orders. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Product Sales - PHP notices fixed. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Product Sales - Filter by product title option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - EU VAT Number - Initial module release. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Export Customers" tool added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "All Products and All Attributes" tool added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - "Custom Emails" added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Emails - Code refactoring. Cc/Bcc Emails unlocked. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Remove Old Slugs - PHP notices fixed. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Remove Old Slugs - Code refactoring. Tool link added to module's settings. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Remove Old Slugs - Some text from Jetpack to Booster renamed. = 2.3.8 - 26/10/2015 = * Dev - Link changed to http://booster.io * Fix - Shortcodes - Products - Crowdfunding - `[wcj_product_crowdfunding_time_remaining]` singular form bug fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - *Placeholder* for *select* type added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - *Default value* for *checkbox* type added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart - Module description added. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - Bug, causing message that some not existing field (e.g. State / County) is required, fixed. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - Bug with changing label and/or placeholder for some core checkout fields (e.g. address), fixed. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Bug, causing PHP notices on order admin save (on orders with some types of custom checkout fields), fixed. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - *Placeholder* for *select* type added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - *Default value* for *checkbox* type added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - *Values options* for *checkbox* type added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - CSS fields changed from `textarea` to `custom_textarea`. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Custom statuses now counted in admin reports (and "Add Custom Statuses to Admin Reports" option added). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Tool link added to module settings. = 2.3.7 - 17/10/2015 = * Dev - General Shortcodes - `[wcj_tcpdf_pagebreak]` shortcode added. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Global labels - Products/Categories Include/Exclude options added. * Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Code refactoring. Enable/disable *per product* labels option added. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Bug, when displaying custom order checkout fields in emails and order details, fixed. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - "Gateways per Category" module renamed to "Gateways per Product or Category". * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways per Category - "Products - Include" and "Products - Exclude" options added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways per Category - "Product Categories - Exclude" option added. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Order Minimum Amount - Additional is_object check added (bug caused PHP Notice). * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Module description updated. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Templates - Code refactoring. * Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Misc. - Option to customize invoice *link text on customer's account page* added. = 2.3.6 - 06/10/2015 = * Fix - Orders Shortcodes - `[wcj_order_checkout_field]` bug fixed. = 2.3.5 - 05/10/2015 = * Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Currency - Bug, causing module not to work properly (prices didn't change at checkout), fixed. = 2.3.4 - 04/10/2015 = * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Bug, showing changed prices by countries in admin products backend, fixed. = 2.3.3 - 03/10/2015 = * Fix - Bug, breaking some WP dashboard functions, fixed (e.g. Admin WP Menus manager). = 2.3.2 - 03/10/2015 = * Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Currency - Bug, breaking some WP dashboard functions, fixed (e.g. Admin WP Media uploader). = 2.3.1 - 02/10/2015 = * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Icons - Remove Icon option added. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Icons - Module extended to include all payment gateways (including custom, created with other plugins). = 2.3.0 - 01/10/2015 = * Fix - `time` function calls replaced with `current_time` in: crowdfunding module and shortcode, invoicing, stock report. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` code refactoring. * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_checkout_field]` shortcode modified. `[wcj_order_custom_meta_field]` deprecated (now duplicates `[wcj_order_checkout_field]`). * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS category added and modules renamed. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Currency - Initial module release. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Fees and Discounts - "Fee (or discount) type" option unlocked. * Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - Renaming Jetpack to Booster continued. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency for External Products - Additional product object validation added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Variable product price bug fixed. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Price by Country on per Product Basis - Variable product bug fixed. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Exchange rates moved to new module. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - `[wcj_country_select_drop_down_list]` shortcode - option to limit country list added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Code refactoring. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Initial module release (works with Gateways Currency and Prices and Currencies by Country modules). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Bulk Price Converter - Code refactoring; tool link added to module settings; tool visualisation html slightly modified. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency for External Products - Code refactoring. * Fix - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Labels not showing in ajax, fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - List of available field types extended (select, radio, datepicker, timepicker etc.). * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Add new order from back end bug fixed. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - List of available field types extended (select, radio etc.). * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Major code refactoring. * Fix - PDF Invoicing - "Cannot redeclare class TCPDF_FONT_DATA" warning fixed. * Fix - PDF Invoicing - "TCPDF ERROR: [Image] Unable to get the size of the image" fixed. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Manual invoice creation option added (in invoicing display). * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Code refactoring. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - "powered by" removed in invoicing header. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Manual invoice create/delete option added. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Numbering - Code refactoring; "Renumerate Invoices" tool link added to submodule settings. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Renaming from Jetpack continued in "Booster - Renumerate Invoices". * Dev - PDF Invoicing - TCPDF library loading only on PDF creation. * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Stock reports - Code refactoring in `gather_orders_data` function - now no errors on gathering data in shops with large number of orders. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Stock reports - Category column added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - "Booster: Product Sales" report added. = 2.2.9 - 01/09/2015 = * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_meta]` shortcode added (attribute: `meta_key`). * Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_custom_meta_field]` shortcode added. Suggested by https://wordpress.org/support/topic/pdf-invoice-get-order-item-meta-data. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_text]` shortcode added. * Dev - Shortcodes - General - `not_lang` attribute added to `[wcj_wpml]` shortcode; `lang` modified to accept comma separated values. * Dev - Shortcodes - `wpml_not_language` attribute added to all shortcodes; `wpml_language` modified to accept comma separated values. * Dev - Shortcodes - `billing_country` and `not_billing_country` attributes added to all shortcodes when used in invoice. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Local (i.e. per Product) Product Input Fields - Bug when increasing (and saving) the number of input fields, fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Local (i.e. per Product) Product Input Fields - Meta box layout changed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - Code refactoring. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - Local (i.e. per Product) Custom Product Tabs - Meta box layout changed. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - Local (i.e. per Product) Custom Product Tabs - Bug when increasing (and saving) the number of custom product tabs, fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Sorting - Remove All Sorting - Blaszok theme compatibility added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Payment Gateways Fees and Discounts - Plus lock removed from "Tax Class" option. = 2.2.8 - 23/08/2015 = * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - WPML - "Creating WPML XML file on each settings saving" disabled. Manual "Regenerate wpml-config.xml file" tool added. * Dev - Select All checkbox style modified in `output_dashboard_modules` function. * Dev - Dutch translation updated. * Dev - POT file updated. = 2.2.7 - 22/08/2015 = * Dev - Russian translation added. * Dev - "Module" added to `add_enable_module_setting()` in `WCJ_Module`. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Limit price to zero on fixed type discount. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - `wcj_get_currency_symbol` function. Affects: admin (per product), frontend and reports currency symbols. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - "Class" select option added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - Code refactoring. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Code refactoring. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Store Exporter fix. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Prefix bug (in free version) fixed. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Code refactoring. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - "Add All Statuses to Admin Order Bulk Actions" option added. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - "Custom Document" added. `[wcj_custom_doc_number]` and `[wcj_custom_doc_date]` shortcodes added. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Emails - "Admin - Cancelled Order" and "Customer - Refunded Order" options added. = 2.2.6 - 15/08/2015 = * Fix - Shortcodes - `[wcj_order_checkout_field]` bug fixed. * Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_total_sales]` added. * Dev - Code refactoring - Meta box support added to `WCJ_Module`. * Dev - Code refactoring - `get_settings()` added to `WCJ_Module`. * Dev - Dutch translation added. * Dev - POT file updated. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - "WooJetpack" to "BoostWoo" in country group fields descriptions. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - "Override Country on Checkout with Billing Country" option added. "No country was detected" routine disabled. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Option to set *fixed* discount value (not percent). * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - "Apply wholesale discount only if no other cart discounts were applied" option added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - `old_price_html` in `add_discount_info_to_cart_page()` modified. * Fix - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Add to Cart Labels - per Product Category - bug fixed. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Info - `wp_reset_query` to `wp_reset_postdata`. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Info - `completed` to `wc-completed` in orders WP_Query. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Images - Replace image with HTML (globally and locally) added (`custom_textarea` custom settings field added). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Related Products - `delete_product_transients` added on settings save (now no need to Clear transients manually from WooCommerce Status > Tools). * Fix - PRODUCTS - Related Products - Relate by category/tag bug fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Crowdfunding - Initial module release. Shortcodes added: `[wcj_product_total_orders]`, `[wcj_product_total_orders_sum]`, `[wcj_product_crowdfunding_goal]`, `[wcj_product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining]`, `[wcj_product_crowdfunding_startdate]`, `[wcj_product_crowdfunding_deadline]`, `[wcj_product_crowdfunding_time_remaining]`. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - Profit column bug fixed. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Payment Gateways Fees - Discounts (negative fee value) added. Module renamed to "Payment Gateways Fees and Discounts". * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - `completed` to `wc-completed` in orders WP_Query. = 2.2.5 - 02/08/2015 = * Fix - datepicker js script - issue with bazar theme (Add Shortcodes on page edit) fixed. * Dev - Plugin renaming continued. = 2.2.4 - 01/08/2015 = * Dev - Plugin renamed from "WooCommerce Jetpack" to "Booster for WooCommerce" (`name_changed_notice` added). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Sorting - "Sort SKUs as numbers instead of as texts" option added. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Sorting - meta_value to meta_value_num in sort by quantity. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Sorting - Code refactoring. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - *Profit* column added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Custom Payment Gateways - Short description changed. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - `fix_required_by_default` added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - Short description changed. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Ranges by month added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - WPML - Short description changed. = 2.2.3 - 27/07/2015 = * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Custom Payment Gateways - https://wordpress.org/support/topic/custom-payment-gateway-settings-disappeared-after-last-update. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Payment Gateways Fees - Fee removed if current payment gateway is not available for user selected shipping method. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Payment Gateways Fees - "Tax class" (and "Is taxable") bug fixed. * Dev - Tools (SKU and Admin) moved to each module's settings. = 2.2.2 - 24/07/2015 = * Fix - DASHBOARD - White screen on dashboard issue, fixed. `wcj_features_status` filter deprecated. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - Variable onsale old price bug fixed. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price Table Shortcode (`[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]`) - Discount percent row added to the table. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - "Show discount info on cart page" and "Discount info on cart page format" options added. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - "Use total cart quantity instead of product quantity" option added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - "File upload" field type added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Custom Payment Gateways - Limit raised from 10 to unlimited custom gateways. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Payment Gateways Fees - "Is taxable" and "Tax class" options added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Payment Gateways - Code refactoring, new modules created: Custom Payment Gateways, Payment Gateways Icons, Payment Gateways Fees, Payment Gateways per Category. Attaching PDF Invoice V1 to emails - code moved to PDF Invoice V1 module. All settings (except deprecated "attaching PDF Invoice V1") moved from WooCommerce Checkout settings to module's settings. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Step in min order amount changed. * Fix - PDF Invoicing - Numbering - `[wcj_invoice_date]` in invoice number bug fixed. * Fix - PDF Invoicing - In TCPDF lib, `symlink` call changed to calling with variable function name to prevent autodeleting tcpdf_fonts.php file from some servers bug. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Display - "save as" changed to yes by default (same for PDF Invoices V1). * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Emails - "Include Payment Gateway" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Stock reports: "Total stock price" column added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Stock reports: "Overstocked" report added. = 2.2.1 - 04/07/2015 = * Dev - Shortcodes - `location`, `site_visibility`, `wpml_language` attributes added to all shortcodes. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - "by user selection" option added. `[wcj_country_select_drop_down_list]` shortcode added. * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - decimal point in discount percent, fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Related Products - Separate option for hiding the related products added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Empty Cart Button - "Confirmation by pop up box" option added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Empty Cart Button - Initial module release. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart - Code refactoring. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Invoice report tool added. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - PDF invoices Header and Footer font set as "general font" set in "Styling" section. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Renumerate Invoices Tool - `date_query` added (fix for "memory exhausted" message, on large number of total shop orders). * Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - WPML - `[wcj_wpml_translate]` added to General Shortcodes list. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - "Enable shortcodes in WordPress text widgets" option added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - General - Code refactoring. = 2.2.0 - 13/06/2015 = * Dev - readme.txt features description updated. * Dev - All modules set to "off" on initial install. * Dev - Admin options reset option added. Only by arg. * Dev - Readme generator `woojetpack_readme`. * Dev - `WCJ_Module` class added. Type `submodule` added. * Dev - `WCJ_Product` class added (started). * Dev - Tweak: `custom_number` settings field added as `woocommerce_admin_field_custom_number` action in `WC_Settings_Jetpack` class. * Fix - SSL fix, https://wordpress.org/support/topic/woojetpack-loads-insecure-resources-on-ssl-sites. * Dev - General Shortcodes - `[wcj_cart_items_total_weight]`. * Dev - Products Shortcodes - `[wcj_product_excerpt]`, `[wcj_product_tags]`. * Dev - Products Shortcodes - `[wcj_product_custom_field]` - feature requested by: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/custom-product-info-how-to-achieve. * Dev - Products Shortcodes - Discount Info: `[wcj_product_you_save]`, `[wcj_product_you_save_percent]`. * Fix - Orders Shortcodes - `wcj_order_get_cart_discount_tax()` in `[wcj_order_total_discount]` shortcode. * Dev - Orders Shortcodes - `[wcj_order_subtotal_plus_shipping]`. * Dev - Orders Shortcodes - Fields: `[wcj_order_customer_note]`, `[wcj_order_checkout_field]`, `[wcj_order_billing_phone]`. * Dev - Orders Shortcodes - Fees: `[wcj_order_total_fees]`, `[wcj_order_fee]`, `[wcj_order_fees_html]`. * Dev - DASHBOARD - Tweak: *Active Modules* section added. * Dev - DASHBOARD - Tweak: *Modules by Category* section added. * Dev - DASHBOARD - Tweak: Categories menu modified (merged categories). * Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - `woocommerce_loaded` hook changed to `init` in `WCJ_Price_by_Country_Core`. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - Exchange Rates: "Grab" button tweak. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - Now shipping cost also calculated by country (`change_shipping_price_by_country` function added). Suggested by Fabian. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price by Country - Reporting: currency `merge` option added; and currency symbol fixed. * Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price (buy more pay less) - Initial module release. `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` shortcode added to "Products Shortcodes". * Dev - PRICE & BUTTON LABELS - Add to Cart Labels - Add to Cart module code refactoring: per category, per product and per product type merged to single module. * Dev - PRICE & BUTTON LABELS - Add to Cart Labels - Add to cart per category tweak - comma separated list to multiselect. * Dev - PRICE & BUTTON LABELS - Custom Price Labels - `do_shortcode` added on price output. * Dev - PRICE & BUTTON LABELS - More Button Labels - Initial module release. Functionality moved from **Checkout** module. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - Initial module release (all functionality moved from "Add to Cart" module). * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Images - Initial module release. Options to hide image and thumbnails; options to customize the sale flash added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Cost Price - Initial module release. Purchase price added to "Stock Reports". `[wcj_product_purchase_price]` shortcode added to "Products Shortcodes". * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Making "nicer name" for input fields in admin order view. * Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - `number`, `textarea` and `checkbox` field types added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - *Field by product category* option added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - added to order details. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - Checkout module code refactoring and name changed to Checkout Core Fields module. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart - Custom Cart Info feature added. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Info - Initial module release. * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Mini Cart - Initial module release. * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Payment Gateways - Option for rounding the fee before adding to cart added (in `gateways_fees` function). * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Payment Gateways - Fees tax bug fixed (in `add_fee` function). * Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Payment Gateways - Custom Payment Gateway - Instructions were emailed *only* if status `on-hold`, fixed (now `default_order_status`). * Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Payment Gateways - Payment Gateways per Category - Initial release. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Address Formats - New module added. Address format can be set for each country. "Force Base Country Display" option added. * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Custom statuses in reports fixed. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Custom Statuses - Initial module release (functionality moved "Orders" module). * Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Prefix default set to empty and unlocked. This prevents from creating double `#` in order numbers. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Code refactoring. * Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Country column option added to WooCommerce orders list. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - `sanitize_file_name()` added in `WCJ_Invoice::get_file_name()`. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - `force_balance_tags()` added in `WCJ_PDF_Invoice::get_pdf()`. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Footer - Customization options added. Code changes also include adding `WCJ_TCPDF` class and defining `K_PATH_IMAGES` in `tcpdf_config.php`. * Fix - PDF Invoicing - Emails - Tweak: "New order" label fixed. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - **Credit Note** document type added. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Datepicker script moved from Invoices Renumerate tool to global `woocommerce-jetpack.php`. * Fix - PDF Invoicing - Enable "Save as" bug fixed. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Option for `item_variation` column added to `[wcj_order_items_table]` shortcode. Suggested by Brad. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Shop manager (not only admin) now is also allowed to see the invoices (`is_shop_manager` function). Also added to PDF Invoices (V1). * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Extra check on `fopen`. Also added to PDF Invoices (V1). * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - PDF Invoices (V1) moved to "EMAILS & MISC." submenu and marked as "deprecated". * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - PDF Invoices (V1) - `get_item_total` replaced with `get_item_subtotal`. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Customers by Country - Total spent by country added. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - WPML - New module added. Support for some options added to wpml-config.xml file. * Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - WPML - `[wcj_wpml]` (and `[wcj_wpml_translate]`) shortcode added to "General Shortcodes" for translating any other text. = 2.1.3 - 24/02/2015 = * Dev/Fix - Empty cart - new position hook added and div style field unlocked. * Dev - Price by Country - Using `internal_wc` only. * Dev - Orders Shortcodes - `after_discount` attribute added to `[wcj_order_subtotal]` shortcode (also `[wcj_order_subtotal_after_discount]` shortcode). * Dev - Products Shortcodes - Shortcodes added: `[wcj_product_sku]`, `[wcj_product_title]`, `[wcj_product_weight]`. * Fix - PDF Invoicing - Bug causing `font_family` and `font_size` settings wrongly taken from PDF Invoices V1 instead of V2, fixed. * Fix - Custom Order Statuses - Bug in reports, fixed. = 2.1.2 - 22/02/2015 = * Fix - PDF Invoicing - `on_create` bug fixed. This caused creating all document on new order only. * Dev - PDF Invoicing - Page format (paper size) option added to *Page Settings* submodule. * Dev - Products Shortcodes - Attribute `hide_currency` added to Products Shortcodes (`[wcj_product_price]`). * Dev - Products Shortcodes - `[wcj_product_price]` - variable product handling (as price range), added. * Dev - Custom Checkout Fields - *label* and *placeholder* can now contain HTML tags (text changed to textarea in settings). = 2.1.1 - 18/02/2015 = * Fix - Orders Shortcodes - Shortcodes compatibility with PDF Invoices V1 module. * Dev - Orders Shortcodes - Added `hide_if_zero` checking for `_order_item_total_` shortcodes. = 2.1.0 - 17/02/2015 = * Dev - **PDF Invoicing and Packing Slips** - Module added. Module includes proforma invoices, proforma slips, with separate numbering (and invoices renumerate tool) for each document type. Extended templates (and shortcodes), styling, page, header and footer, filename, emailing etc. customization options. * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - Prices and currencies by country *per product* functionality added. * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - Major code refactoring. * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - Admin debugging functionality added. * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - Empty price functionality added. * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - Automatic currency exchange rates (i.e. wp cron job) updates, added. * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - Internal DB since WooCommerce 2.3, added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - **Product Info** - Option to list product IDs to exclude from product info, added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - **Product Info** - Option to change single product's thumbnails columns number, added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - **Product Input Fields** - Hiding placeholder on focus, added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - **Product Input Fields** - Global and local modules merged into single module. * Dev - PRICE LABELS - **Call for Price** - Added `do_shortcode` on all empty price outputs. * Dev - CHECKOUT - **Payment Gateways** - Added `do_shortcode` in payment gateway's "thank you" page and email instructions. * Dev - MISC. - **General** - *Admin Tools* (logging) added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - **Related Products** - Moved to new module. *Relate by tag and/or category* options (idea by Alexys) added. * Fix - ORDERS - "Extended fix" in `add_custom_order_statuses_to_reports()` for WooCommerce v.2.3 compatibility. * Fix - ORDERS - **Order Numbers** - Now generating number when creating order from admin backend. * Fix - **PDF Invoices** - Bug in `generate_pdf()` (`order_id` not defined when first checking), fixed. * Fix - **PDF Invoices** - `maybe_unserialize` instead of `serialize` in `add_custom_checkout_fields_to_pdf()`. * Fix - PRODUCTS - **SKU** - Fix in *Autogenerate SKUs* tool: now SKUs are properly generated for larger (e.g. more that two thousand) quantity of products. * Fix - CURRENCIES - "Undefined index: KIP" notice bug fixed. = 2.0.13 - 12/02/2015 = * Fix - ORDERS - Quick fix in `add_custom_order_statuses_to_reports()` for WooCommerce v.2.3 compatibility. = 2.0.12 - 14/01/2015 = * Dev - **Reports** - WooJetpack Orders Reports: More Ranges. * Fix - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - Slicing the array in `update_database()`. * Fix - PRODUCTS - **SKU** - Fix in `set_product_sku` function. Bug caused SKU *not* autogenerating when adding new product. Reported by Gary. = 2.0.11 - 08/01/2015 = * Dev - CHECKOUT - **Custom Checkout Fields** - Filter for custom checkout fields for "WooCommerce - Store Exporter" plugin, added. * Fix - ORDERS - Custom Statuses added to WooCommerce reports. * Fix - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - `$wpdb->prefix` fix. Reported by John. * Fix - **Reports** - `wc_get_product` instead of `new WC_Product`. * Fix - **PDF Invoices** - `wc_get_product` instead of `new WC_Product`. = 2.0.10 - 04/01/2015 = * Fix - PRODUCTS - **Product Info** - `id` option bug, fixed. * Fix - CURRENCIES - **Currencies** - Empty symbol bug, fixed. * Dev - CHECKOUT - **Custom Checkout Fields** - Option to set *clear* after the field, added. * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - New table `woojetpack_country_ip` added to DB. = 2.0.9 - 01/01/2015 = * Fix - PRODUCTS - **Bulk Price Coverter** - Not updating on empty price (was setting to zero before). = 2.0.8 - 30/12/2014 = * Dev - PRODUCTS - **SKUs** - *Variable Products Variations SKUs* handling options added. = 2.0.7 - 28/12/2014 = * Dev - PRODUCTS - **Bulk Price Coverter** - Initial module release. * Dev - CHECKOUT - **Custom Checkout Fields** - Option to add custom checkout fields to emails, added. * Dev - CHECKOUT - **Payment Gateways** - *Additional emails on new order* options added. * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - `booking_form_calculated_booking_cost` hook added. Partial compatibility with Bookings plugin. * Fix - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - On `round = none` rounding by precision set in WooCommerce. * Fix - Payment Gateways - `wp_register_script` moved to `init`. This caused warning generation on some servers. = 2.0.6 - 20/12/2014 = * Fix - CART - **Add to Cart per Category** - `is_object` check added. This caused warning generation on some servers. * Fix - **PDF Invoices** - `get_line_subtotal` instead of `get_line_total`. This fixes the bug with item's discount in invoice. * Fix - **PDF Invoices** - "Shipping and Discount as item" fix. * Fix - **PDF Invoices** - Total weight shortcode quantity bug, fixed. * Fix - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - Report currency menu had only GBP and USD, fixed. * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - *Price Rounding* option added. * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - *Country by IP detection method* option added. Alternative method added: `api.host.info`. * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - Debug info added. * Dev - PRODUCTS - **SKUs**. * Dev - **PDF Invoices** - shadowed font option added. = 2.0.5 - 16/12/2014 = * Fix - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - Calls to `str_getcsv` removed (as this function needs PHP 5.3.0 minimum). = 2.0.4 - 16/12/2014 = * Dev - **PDF Invoices** - *Family font* option added. * Fix - **Reports** - Country sets fixed. * i18n - POT file updated. = 2.0.3 - 13/12/2014 = * Fix - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - Problems identifying country, when spaces are used in group lists. = 2.0.2 - 12/12/2014 = * Fix - Temporary disabled all `gettext` (in Cart and Shipping Calculator). = 2.0.1 - 12/12/2014 = * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country** - Added no retries on unsuccessful DB update. = 2.0.0 - 12/12/2014 = * Fix - CHECKOUT - **Payment Gateways** - *Fee value* step changed to two digits after point in *Payment Gateways Fees Options*. Suggested by Patryk. * Fix - PRODUCTS - Sorting - *Remove All Sorting* setting in "WooCommerce > Settings > Products" was disappearing after checkbox is disabled, fixed. * Dev - PRODUCTS - **Product Input Fields** - Fields to fill before adding product to cart. Idea by Mangesh. Fields can be added globally (i.e. for all products), or on per product basis. Currently only fields of `text` type are available. * Dev - PRODUCTS - **Product Info** - WordPress shortcodes added for every WooJetpack shortcode. WooJetpack shortcodes are now deprecated and will be removed in future releases. See v.1.9.0 changelog for more details. This covers WordPress.org Support Forum thread by dudemcpek - https://wordpress.org/support/topic/not-displaying-shortcodes. * Dev - CART - **Add to Cart per Category** - Add to cart button text on *per category* basis (single or category view). Idea by Craig. * Dev - CART - **Add to Cart per Product** - Custom add to cart button text on *per product* basis (single or category view). Idea by Craig. * Dev - CART - **Cart** - Option to change position of `Empty cart` button. Suggested by Patryk. * Dev - CART - **Cart** - Option to hide "Note: Shipping and taxes are estimated and ..." message on Cart page, added. * Dev - SHIPPING - **Shipping Calculator** - Customize shipping calculator on cart page. Idea by Xavier. * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Prices and Currencies by Country**, added. Idea by Illona. * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Different Currency for External Products**, added. Idea by Leon, Krishan. * Dev - CURRENCIES - **Currencies** - *Hide currency symbol* option, added. * Dev - CHECKOUT - **Custom Checkout Fields**, added. Idea by: Patryk, Tom, https://wordpress.org/support/topic/delivery-date-picker. * Dev - CHECKOUT - **Payment Gateways** - Payment fees - Maximum and/or minimum cart amount for adding fee option, added. * Dev - CHECKOUT - **Payment Gateways** - Option to set *default order status* for custom gateway, added. * Dev - ORDERS - **Custom Statuses** - *Default Order Status* option added. Idea by Patryk. * Dev - ORDERS - **Order Numbers** - Custom order number date suffix. Idea by Patryk. * Dev - ORDERS - **Order Numbers** - Option to *enabled/disable sequential order numbers*, added. This will let use only *custom order number width, prefixes and suffixes*. * Dev - **PDF Invoices** - Shortcodes. * Dev - **PDF Invoices** - Custom billing and shipping checkout fields are now added to PDF. This covers the request to add shipping phone to PDF by Dennys. * Dev - PRICE LABELS - **Custom Price Labels** - *Global* price labels between regular and sale. Suggested by Roman. * Dev - PRICE LABELS - **Call for Price** - Empty price hook moved to `init`. That lets set "priority higher than maximum". This caused *Call for Price* not to work properly with other similar plugins installed. Reported by Patryk. * Dev - MISC. - Reports - *Understocked* report added. Idea by Ireneusz. * i18n - `FR_fr` French translation updated. Translated by Jean-Marc. * i18n - POT file updated. * Tweak - PRICE LABELS - **Custom Price Labels** - Hide custom price labels if the Dashboard or the administration panel is displayed. Suggested by Jean-Marc. * Tweak - ORDERS - **Order Numbers** - Moved to separate module. * Tweak - CART - **Add to Cart** - "Only *local* URLs are accepted" info updated in *Add to cart redirect*. = 1.9.1 - 13/11/2014 = * Fix - **Payment Gateways** - Bug causing displaying *fee type* as *percent* instead of *fixed*, fixed. This did not affect Plus version. * Dev - French translation updated. * Dev - POT file updated. * Tweak - Submenus added in admin's WooCommerce > Settings > Jetpack. = 1.9.0 - 10/11/2014 = * Feature Upgraded - **Payment Gateways** - Payment Gateways Fees, added. Idea by Daniele. Also made changes to *PDF Invoices* - fees now displayed in invoice. * Feature Upgraded - **Product Tabs** - Options added for: hiding global tabs for an products and/or categories list. Idea by Gary. Another similar option added: show global tab *only* for products and/or categories list. * Feature Upgraded - **Sorting** - Sorting products by stock quantity, added. Idea by Fred. * Feature Upgraded - **PDF Invoices** - Emailing PDF as attachment for selected payment methods only option added. Idea by Jen. * Feature Upgraded - **PDF Invoices** - Option to add shipping address to the invoice, added. Idea by Justine. * Feature Upgraded - **Orders** - Order Numbers - Custom order number suffix added. Idea by Patryk. * Feature Upgraded - **Add to Cart** - Changing *add to cart* button text for products with zero and/or empty price (suggested by Patryk) option added. Products with *zero price* are covered for archive (category) and single views. Products with *empty price* only for archives (single view does not contain add to cart button at all, so nothing to cover). * Feature Upgraded - **Product Info** - Added `[wcjp_list_attribute]` shortcode. Now it is possible to display product's attribute values list (e.g. to list the different colour variations of a product). Idea by Tony. This is the right way to display product info, so WooJetpack shortcodes (introduced in v.1.8.2) are deprecated and will be removed in feature releases. Shortcode has `visibility` parameter which gives the possibility to show shortcode's product info to admin only. * Feature Upgraded - **Product Info** - `%stock_quantity%` WooJetpack Shortcode added. * Dev - **Product Info** - `the_content` filter added to result. Now shortcodes will be displayed properly. * Tweak - **Add to Cart** and **Sorting** - Removed *enable* checkboxes in admin settings. Now need to leave the value empty to disable. * Tweak - Added some info to *Old Slugs*, *Custom Statuses* and *Product Tabs* features. Suggested by Patryk. * New Feature - **Reports** - Various sales, stock, customers etc. reports. *BETA* version. = 1.8.2 - 01/11/2014 = * Fix - Orders - Custom Order Statuses - Bug causing fail on changing status with slug more that 17 characters, fixed by adding length check on adding custom status. Reported by Patryk. * Fix - Product Tabs - Priority was not working in custom local tabs, fixed. Also added default priority in custom local product tabs. * Fix - *Settings* link in *WooCommerce > Jetpack Settings* was wrong, fixed. This caused bug, where on non-root WordPress instalations *Settings* link gave 404 error. Reported by Brian. * Fix - Product Tabs - Wrong default priority for WooCommerce Standard Product Tabs, fixed. *Reviews Tab* priority was 20 (wrong), changed to 30 (good), *Additional Information Tab* 30 and 20 accordingly. Reported by Patryk. * Feature Upgraded - Product Info - Major upgrade: added new info options with separate lines. Also added about 20 new WooJetpack Shortcodes, including: %price%, %price_excluding_tax% (suggested by Josh), %stock_availability% (by https://wordpress.org/support/topic/custom-tabs-1), %time_since_last_sale%, %weight%, %list_attributes% etc. For full list of short codes, please visit https://booster.io/features/product-info/ * Feature Upgraded - Product Listings - Option to change default WooCommerce behavior on displaying all products if none categories are dispalyed. Now it's possible to disable displaying the products. Suggested by Xavier. * Feature Upgraded - PDF Invoices - Order date and time added. Suggested by https://wordpress.org/support/topic/order-time = 1.8.1 - 24/10/2014 = * Fix - PDF Invoices - Variation(s) name was not showing in invoice, fixed. Reported by https://wordpress.org/support/topic/item-description * Feature Upgraded - PDF Invoices - Now shortcodes are displayed in invoice's additional header and footer. Idea by https://wordpress.org/support/topic/displaying-short-codes * Feature Upgraded - PDF Invoices - Additional header option added. * Feature Upgraded - PDF Invoices - *Item Name Additional Info* (e.g. SKU) option added to invoice. Idea by https://wordpress.org/support/topic/item-description = 1.8.0 - 17/10/2014 = * New Feature - Product Tabs - **Custom product tabs** - global or per product. Related *product tabs* options were also moved to this feature from *Product Info*. * Dev - `date` function changed to `date_i18n`. Suggested in https://wordpress.org/support/topic/pdf-invoices-date-bug Changes affected the *Orders* and *PDF Invoices* features (this covers request from Jean-Marc for international date formats in *PDF Invoices*). = 1.7.9 - 16/10/2014 = * Fix - Custom Price Labels - Hiding price labels on cart page didn't work, fixed. Suggested by Paolo. = 1.7.8 - 15/10/2014 = * Fix - Product Listings - Hide empty not working, fixed. Suggested by Rene. This was caused by changes in WooCommerce code. * Feature Upgraded - Custom Price Labels - Option for **hiding labels on cart page only**, added. Idea by Paolo. = 1.7.7 - 13/10/2014 = * Fix - Custom Price Labels - Bug causing setting checkboxes back to *on*, fixed. Suggested by Erika. * Fix - Custom Price Labels - *Migrate from Custom Price Labels (Pro)* tool - new since Custom Price Labels plugin data was missing, fixed. Suggested by Paolo. = 1.7.6 - 09/10/2014 = * Fix - Custom Price Labels - Bug causing setting all product's checkbox labels to off, fixed. Bug was not resetting Text labels however (i.e. checkboxes only). Bug was in code since v.1.0.0. The bug caused resetting all product's checkbox labels to off, when generally any product save, except "normal" conditions (i.e. saving through standard edit), happened: - when any other plugin used `wp_update_post` function, - when user updated product via Quick Edit, - could be more possible conditions. * Fix - Custom Price Labels - "Migrate from Custom Price Labels" tool info added to tools dashboard. * Dev - Custom Price Labels - Labels settings in product edit rearranged (to `table`). * Dev - Tools Dashboard rearranged (to `table`). * Dev - `FR_fr` translation updated by Jean-Marc Schreiber. = 1.7.5 - 08/10/2014 = * Feature Upgraded - Custom Price Labels - "Global labels" section extended: `add after price`, `add before price`, `replace in price`. `Remove from price` code also have been moved (and now in one place with all Global Labels) - before that it was called multiple times, fixed. * Dev - Custom Price Labels - "Migrate from Custom Price Labels (Pro)" tool added. Suggested by Paolo. = 1.7.4 - 07/10/2014 = * Fix - Emails - Bcc and Cc options not working, fixed. Reported by Helpmiphone. * Fix - Orders - Minimum order amount - "Stop customer from seeing the Checkout page..." option was not working properly: was redirecting to Cart after successful checkout, fixed. = 1.7.3 - 04/10/2014 = * Fix - Product Info - Product Info on Single Product Page - Missing Plus message added. Reported by Manfred. * Feature Upgraded - Payment Gateways - Option to add up to 10 additional custom payment gateways, added. Idea by Kristof. * Dev - French `FR_fr` translation added. Translation by Jean-Marc Schreiber. = 1.7.2 - 03/10/2014 = * Fix - Product Info - `%total_sales%` fixed and enabled. = 1.7.1 - 02/10/2014 = * Fix - Product Info - `%total_sales%` is temporary disabled. This was causing "PHP Parse error" on some servers (PHP 5.3), now fixed. Reported by Xavier. Also reported in https://wordpress.org/support/topic/parse-error-syntax-error-unexpected-expecting-2 = 1.7.0 - 02/10/2014 = * Fix - Payment Gateways - Instructions were not showing (suggested by Jen), fixed. * Feature - Product Listings - Options added (separately for "Shop" and "Categories" pages): show/hide categories count, exclude categories (idea by Xavier), show/hide empty categories. This will work only when "Shop Page Display" and/or "Default Category Display" in "WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Product Listings" is set to "Show subcategories" or "Show both". All new options fields are also added (duplicated) to "WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Product Listings". * Feature Upgraded - Payment Gateways - Instructions for emails option added (i.e. separated from instructions on thank you page). * Feature Upgraded - Orders - Minimum order amount - Stop customer from seeing the checkout page if below minimum order amount (in this case the customer redirected to Cart page). Idea by Augen. * Feature Upgraded - Product Info - Additional product info (separately for "Single" and "Archive" pages): text, position and priority options added. First "Product Info Shortcodes" added: %sku% for SKU (idea by Xavier) and %total_sales% for Total Sales. = 1.6.2 - 25/09/2014 = * Feature Upgraded - Orders - Orders Numbers - Additional custom date prefix added. Suggested by Sergio. Value is passed directly to PHP `date` function, so most of PHP date formats can be used. Visit PHP `date` function page for more information on valid date formats. The only exception is using `\` symbol in date format, as this symbol will be excluded from date (that is because of WooCommerce default option saving mechanism). = 1.6.1 - 23/09/2014 = * New Feature - General - Another custom CSS tool. This was added because of the problem with color of price matching the background in minimum order amount message (suggested by Augen), which can be fixed with custom CSS. * Dev - Orders - Minimum order amount - `textarea` instead of `text` option type. Now it is possible to add tags (e.g. ``) to customers messages. = 1.6.0 - 22/09/2014 = * Fix - PDF Invoices - Wrong headers for PDF sent, fixed. This was previously causing a bug when `.html` file extension was wrongly added to PDF. Suggested by Pete (reported from Safari, Mac). * Feature Upgraded - Custom Price Labels - Labels for Item price on Cart page included. Idea by Stephanie. * Feature Upgraded - Custom Price Labels - Labels for Composite products included. Idea by Pete. * Dev - Custom Price Labels - All price filters added to `prices_filters` array. = 1.5.3 - 20/09/2014 = * Fix - Smart Reports beta version enabled too soon, fixed. = 1.5.2 - 20/09/2014 = * Fix - Emails - Bug causing `call_user_func_array()` warning, fixed. Suggested by Andrew. * Dev - New WooCommerce Jetpack Dashboard in admin settings. = 1.5.1 - 14/09/2014 = * Dev - Custom Price Labels - `textarea` instead of ``. * Dev - Orders - Custom Order Statuses - `postbox` added instead of simple form. * Upgrade Feature - PDF Invoices - PDF invoice as attachment file in customer's email (order completed). Idea by Jen. * Dev - PDF Invoices - If displaying shipping as item, option for adding shipping method text, added. Suggested by Tomas. = 1.5.0 - 13/09/2014 = * Dev - Orders - Renumerate orders tool compatibility with WooCommerce 2.2.x. * Dev - Orders - Custom Order Statuses compatibility with WooCommerce 2.2.x. * Dev - Orders - Renumerate orders tool moved to WooCommerce > Jetpack Tools. * Fix - PDF Invoices - `Order Shipping Price` position in `Totals` on admin settings page, fixed. * Dev - PDF Invoices - Save as pdf option added. * Fix - PDF Invoices - Bug with invoice PDF file name, fixed. = 1.4.0 - 07/09/2014 = * Dev - Custom Price Labels - Support for price labels showing on Pages, added. Suggested by Axel. * Fix - PDF Invoices - Bug with some item table columns not showing, fixed. Suggested by Tomas. * Dev - PDF Invoices - Discount as separate item option added. * Dev - PDF Invoices - Shipping as separate item option added. Suggested by Tomas. * Dev - Old Slugs and Custom Order Statuses tools moved to WooCommerce > Jetpack Tools. = 1.3.0 - 25/08/2014 = * Feature Upgraded - PDF Invoices - Major upgrade: single item price, item and line taxes, payment and shipping methods, additional footer, font size, custom css added. = 1.2.0 - 17/08/2014 = * Feature Upgraded - Orders - Auto-complete all orders option added. * Feature Upgraded - Orders - Custom Order Statuses added. * Feature Upgraded - Custom Price Labels - Added global remove text from price option. * Feature Upgraded - Custom Price Labels - Added compatibility with bookable products. Suggested by Axel. * Dev - Links to Jetpack settings added to plugins page and to WooCommerce back end menu. * Feature Upgraded - Checkout - Customizable "Place order" ("Order now") button text. = 1.1.7 - 12/08/2014 = * Dev - Call for Price - "Hide sale tag" code fixed. * Feature Upgraded - Call for Price - Separate label to show for related products. * Dev - PDF Invoices - Text align to right on cells with prices. * Dev - PDF Invoices - "PDF" renamed to "PDF Invoice" (in orders list). = 1.1.6 - 11/08/2014 = * Fix - PDF Invoices - Bug with subtotal calculation (discounts were not included), fixed. = 1.1.5 - 11/08/2014 = * Dev - PDF Invoices - "Save as..." disabled (in orders list). * Feature Upgraded - PDF Invoices - New fields added: line total excluding tax, subtotal, shipping, discount, taxes. = 1.1.4 - 10/08/2014 = * Fix - Sorting - "Remove all sorting" bug (always enabled), fixed (second time). * Dev - Product Info - Related products: "columns" option added. = 1.1.3 - 09/08/2014 = * Fix - Payment Gateways - "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in..." bug fixed. * Feature Upgraded - Call for Price - Different labels for single/archive/home. = 1.1.2 - 08/08/2014 = * Dev - PDF Invoices - Icons at orders list changed. * Feature Upgraded - Payment Gateways - Icons for default WooCommerce gateways (COD - Cash on Delivery, Cheque, BACS, Mijireh Checkout, PayPal). Accessible also via WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout Options. * Feature Upgraded - Payment Gateways - Custom Payment Gateway upgraded: Shipping methods, Virtual product, Min cart total option, Icon option. * Dev - Feature "Custom Payment Gateway" renamed to "Payment Gateways" * Dev - Move needed functions from Plus to standard version. = 1.1.1 - 06/08/2014 = * Feature Upgraded - Custom Price Labels - More visibility options added: hide for main variable product price or for each variation. * Feature - Custom Payment Gateway - Simple custom offline payment gateway. * Dev - Move needed functions from Plus to standard version. * Fix - Custom Price Labels - Bug with main enable/disable checkbox, fixed. * Fix - Checkout - Bug with default values, fixed. * Dev - Enable/disable checkbox added to Add to cart feature. * Dev - Function wcj_get_option removed. = 1.1.0 - 24/07/2014 = * Dev - PDF Invoices - Icons instead of text at orders list. * Fix - Currencies - Wrong readonly attribute for text field on WooCommerce > Settings > General, affecting Plus version, fixed. * Feature Upgraded - Orders - Set minimum order amount. * Feature - Checkout - Customize checkout fields: disable/enable fields, set required, change labels and/or placeholders. * Feature - Shipping - Hide shipping when free is available. * Feature - Emails - Add another email recipient(s) to all WooCommerce emails. * Feature - Product Info - Customize single product tabs. Change related products number. * Feature - Cart - Add "Empty Cart" button to cart page, automatically add product to cart on visit. * Feature Upgraded - Add to Cart - Display "Product already in cart" instead of "Add to cart" button. Redirect add to cart button to any url (e.g. checkout page). * Dev - Feature "Orders Numbers" renamed to "Orders". = 1.0.6 - 15/07/2014 = * Feature - PDF Invoices - PDF invoices for store owners and for customers. = 1.0.5 - 18/06/2014 = * Feature - Order Numbers - Sequential order numbering, custom order number prefix and number width. = 1.0.4 - 15/06/2014 = * Fix - Add to cart text - on archives now calling the right function. = 1.0.3 - 15/06/2014 = * Feature - Add to cart text by product type. = 1.0.2 - 14/06/2014 = * Dev - Added loading plugin textdomain. = 1.0.1 - 13/06/2014 = * Fix - Error with Custom Price Labels feature, affecting Plus version, fixed. = 1.0.0 - 13/06/2014 = * Feature - Custom Price Labels – Create any custom price label for any product. * Feature - Call for Price – Create any custom price label, like "Call for price", for all products with empty price. * Feature - Currencies – Add all world currencies, change currency symbol. * Feature - More Sorting Options – Add more sorting options or remove sorting (including default) at all. * Feature - Old Slugs – Remove old product slugs. * Initial Release. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.0 = This is the first release of the plugin.